April 14, 1991

„Blessed be Yahweh, who performs
marvels of love for me.” 1

peace be with you; now, tell Me, pupil: are you happy to have Me as your Spiritual Director?

Yes Lord, more than happy. I am learning many things directly from Your Mouth, and others too!

would you like to write?

I am ready to serve You, my God,
make me ready and open my ear
to hear only Your Voice;

hear Me then:

– blessed are those who work for Peace; they shall prosper in My Peace and radiate My Light forever and ever;

– blessed are the compassionate; they shall see Mercy in the Day of Judgement;

– blessed are the generous souls who share My Cup; they will be called heirs of My Salvation;

– blessed are those who espouse themselves to Me; this same joy I feel as a Bridegroom they too shall feel, the day they meet Me face to face;

– blessed are you who have not accepted any other testimony but the One and only Truth I Myself have given you; I tell you: come! come into My Kingdom and share everything I have, with Me;

– blessed are those who do not differentiate themselves under My Holy Name, but show their unity through their humility and love; they shall be called Pillars and Foundation of God’s Sanctuary;

– blessed are you who believe without seeing; rejoice, for the Grace you received from My Father and pray for those who have not yet received this Grace;

– blessed are you who accept to be scourged, humiliated and nailed with Me to the Cross, and who bear the marks of My Body on yours; your room in Heaven will be opened to receive you and your compensation will be great;

– blessed are those who keep My Name Holy; when they call and ask in My Name, I shall listen;

– blessed are the small ones who praise and adore Me; in them I shall do great things;

– blessed are the faithful, who observe My Commandments and from Scriptures do not change one stroke from what has been written; theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven;

– blessed are you, My lambs who are chased like game, for My sake, by ravenous wolves; because I shared your meal side by side with you, I tell you, all your sufferings are not in vain; the Father sees all this and takes accounts of everyone’s deeds; it will not go as hard on Sodom and Gomorrah as it will go on them for having persecuted My Holy Spirit;

so stay awake, because no one knows the Day nor the Hour of My coming; your King will be coming soon; the One you have been waiting for so long shall suddenly come upon you; so courage, beloved ones; indeed, the devil’s smoke has penetrated into My Sanctuary, but what smoke lasts forever? I shall, with the Breath of My Holy Spirit, dissipate and blow away this smoke and no authority nor any power from beneath will be able to intervene;

I am coming to bring Fire to the earth and purify nation after nation; be blessed;