April 20, 1992
Yahweh, I am Your slave,
and I will offer You again today my will
that You may do what Your Heart pleases with me.
What a delight to be in Your Presence
and to be allowed to walk with Your Majesty!
What return can I make to You
for all the blessings You poured on me?
I have only to lift my eyes towards Heaven
and You bend down to listen to me;
and when I invoke Your Name,
Your Majesty descends all the way from Your Throne,
You who are Sovereign in the Heavens and on earth,
to be with me in my room and keep me company.
I come to you; misery attracts Me, poverty infatuates Me, so do not weary yourself with getting rich; set Me, your God, like a seal on your heart, and I shall continue, My beloved one, to demonstrate My sweetness towards you;
My God is good to me,
a stronghold when I am oppressed and calumniated,
a stronghold when times are hard.
My God is my protective Shield.
Satan may sharpen his sword
or may bend his bow and take aim on me,
but my God, my Abba, ever so Tender,
will be present and will make the devil flee.
give Me unbounded love, I am looking down from Heaven at you all, to see if a single one is seeking Me without self-interest; what joy and what happiness I receive every time I hear My Name extolled! but many have turned aside, many are tainted with sin, let My Heart rejoice in poverty, let My Heart rejoice in a love without self-interests; give Me, daughter, as I have given you; do not appear to Me empty-handed;
My gifts are Yours, in fact all the gifts I have been given are Yours.
offer Me sacrifices; be generous, have I not been generous to you? give Me now, as I have given you, offer Me sacrifices to appease My Justice; 1 build what I have given you to construct; 2
O Vassula! offer Me everything to assuage My thirst! put your faith in Me; give those who wait for My Word My Hymn of Love, give so that all the earth’s inhabitants may hear My Merciful Cry; 3 I cannot ignore My children’s supplication;
Lord, I beg You to guide my steps in the Truth and in the Light.
you will continue then to minister before Me and I shall open your mouth to fill it with My Words, to glorify Me; and through you I shall produce a visible Image of Myself; I will touch the hearts of My people, and even people who never knew Me will be blessing Me; despise yourself and I shall not reject you;
I, Yahweh, will save you;

(Later on:)
Come back to us and dwell in the middle of our heart;
let our heart be called: Faithful City and Your Holy Mountain.
little one, I give you My Peace;
the advices and the supplications from your Holy Mother, 4 My agonies and cries from My Holy Cross to the world have remained stagnant; We have come to offer you all, Our Peace and prepare you for your journey to heaven, but Love has been rebuked and Peace treacherously replaced by lethargy and a spirit of wickedness;
I went in all directions seeking by what means I might awaken you from your perpetual lethargy and return to Me to live Holy, but I heard no sound from you; what could I have done more that I have not done? My friends, you have not taken seriously Our Calls; I descended to offer you My Heart; I have inscribed you in the flesh of My Heart, I have written you My Love Hymn to all of you,
– I visited you –
My Eyes stream with Tears and Our Two Hearts are lacerated because you have not persevered in the Path of Holiness, the world made fun of Our Merciful Calls and no one was really listening;
I am your God and Shield, full of Tenderness, and I am known to intervene quickly in times of tribulations; but you preferred to walk in the shadows of darkness and in the valley of death; My kindness has been repaid with your wickedness, arraigning Me for trying to save you ….
My Hymn of Love5 to you is constantly being ridiculed, defamed and blasphemed for in your spirit lies a spirit of darkness; you are harvesting in the Deceiver’s field to show the world that My Holy Words are ignominious with no substance, 6 but there too, 7 you will be wasting your breath; when you will come to Me for help in the days of purification, you will call, but I shall not listen; men intent on silencing Me, laying snares, others are hatching treacherous plots all day long; the wicked may hope to destroy you, My child, you whom I have chosen, treating you like the scum of the earth, but I have sworn to maintain you on your feet; I shall uphold you for My purpose …..
I have told you, My child, that your persecutors will be allowed to give you impressive wounds, but they are for My Glory and for your purification; your life-span is nothing and you are but a passing shadow on earth and your wounds and sufferings on earth are only a puff of wind compared to Mine; it is I, your Saviour, who have kept your soul in My Arms and made your spirit live for Me alone; it is I, the Sublime Glory, that put in your mouth a New Hymn of Love to sing it to the world and melt its hardened heart;
look, you have given Me a drop or two of your life, and I, how much have I given you? I have given you to drink from the Eternal Fountains of My Breast, I never failed you; in an arduous battle I won your heart, puny little creature, and made you Mine; I have treated you leniently and gently, more than anyone else, in spite of your childish insolence; I, your Creator, was charmed by your ineffable weakness and misery, and you, My creature, were left in awe by My perfect Beauty and My dazzling Light; you are clay and out of the same clay I modelled and shaped others too; I blew Life into you and made out of each one of you a portrait of My Image; I ask you to read: „teach us to count how few days we have and so gain wisdom of heart;” 8 your passage on earth is, as I said, a passing shadow, so cling to Me;
– you do not have to prove your innocence, 9 I, your Creator, know you; My child, whom I have chosen, do not be afraid, come to Me and I shall warm you; do not be afraid when you are glorifying Me;
soon all that I foretold will take place and now when the former predictions will come true, many will shudder when they realise that:
The Lamb sitting on the Throne of God
had truly sent among them a bearer; a bearer with good news and with a Hymn of Love in her mouth, to sing to all nations this New Hymn of the Most High, just as she had heard it from the Source of Sublime Love Himself; and that truly you were Mine from the beginning;