October 6, 1995

My Lord!
My eyes were privileged to contemplate
on Your glorious Majesty;
what grace have You given me!
I, who am the least to have received such a gift
to be able to possess Your Majesty,
and contemplate You in Your Mystery.

– Fountain of Wisdom,
You are treating me in a supreme way,
full of goodness and boundless tenderness
to recognise my God Thrice Holy,
to recognise Him as Father, as Beloved and Abba.

– Fountain of Understanding
that makes gardens out of deserts,
fruit-trees out of thorns and thistles,
incredibly ravishing, palpitating,
Your glorious appearance leaves my heart spellbound.

– Fountain of Counsel,
my Cup, my Drink, King from the beginning,
You are continuously displaying Your Majestic counsel
with kindness to your pupil;
this is why my heart is pining away with love.

Glory is His Holy Name;
how can one praise You enough?

– Fountain of Fortitude,
resplendently awesome,
have You seen how we are?
Reduced, lacking, weak, and a deplorable sight,
yet, we belong to You, we come from You.
See? See how our knees are trembling
and are weak for lack of Food?
See how so many of us have become an object of derision?

So come, Spirit of Grace,
I implore Your Majesty
to put Your Breath once more in us so that fresh life begins.
One Word of command from You
and the entire world can be renewed!

– O Fountain of Knowledge,
come and govern me
to penetrate in the Mystery of God;
my eyes have seen nothing,
my ears have heard nothing,
and my touch will still remain in the unknown,
unless You show me Your Face,
and let me hear Your Voice;
have You not noticed how I yearn for Your Courts?

– Fountain of Piety,
why is it so difficult to grasp You?
Is it because my hands are so soiled?
Why do you shy away from me?
Am I to remain imperfect?
You are always true to Your promises,
and You are known to give liberty to prisoners,
and so I invoke You,
grant me the attitude of Your Saints
so that I may celebrate Your acts of power one day.
Liberate me, for under Your protection
the pious are known to be safe.

– Fountain of Fear,
token of Your true disciples,
pearl of Your Kingdom, heartbeat of the Church
and reverence to Its Mysteries,
how can we obtain You and possess You eternally?
You are all ….
Rosebud of my heart,
grant me this gift so that I may be counted
as one of Your daughters.
To fear You is the root of all wisdom
and the entrance of eternal Life.

O Glorious Throne,
set high from the beginning,
uproot me from all evil and show me
the One sitting on You!

I1 shall pour on you, and anyone who desires Me, My Light thrice Holy; to save you and bring you in your Father’s Home, I will fill your spirit with My Breath; you are frailly rooted still, but count Me as your dearest Friend who will preserve you from being uprooted; when you walk, delightful child, I will be your sole Guide; when you lie down, your faithful Watchman; when you wake, your cheerful Companion;

2 peace be with you; have you not read: „do not refuse a kindness to anyone who begs it, if it is in your power to perform it;” 3 so I said: „Vassiliki, whom My Spirit bound to Me in matrimonial bonds and whom I reared, you shall enjoy My favour, you shall enjoy My Presence;” this is why I came out to meet you, and I tell you, daughter, I am content as a child that has been weaned; My happiness is complete; remain faithful to Me, remember I am your Spouse, try then to imitate your Spouse, even to assume the condition of a slave ….

daughter, night and day My Name is blasphemed and I am injured by My Own sons and daughters, – I am persecuted – share in My sufferings, I am reduced to beg for your love; I am reduced to beg for your generosity; share in My sufferings; tonight many of My victim souls will unburden Me ….

Lord! It looks as if things have gone out of hand!

do not mourn for Me but for this generation …. I love you to folly and I would go back to Calvary any time again if this were possible to save you from this Apostasy; I need generosity and warmth, a proof of love ….

I tell you, daughter, I do not regret coming to you; yes, I have seen how this generation is reduced and lacking; and My Sacred Heart pains Me beyond human comprehension; this is why, My Vassula, I want you to fan into a flame all that I have given you; all those Treasures of My Heart, they are meant to be distributed;

you have been trusted to look after this Inexhaustible Treasure I had been reserving for your times; distribute It with the help of My Holy Spirit; He who saved you will save others too;

your Cup and your Drink will show Mercy to many of you for I intend to gather you all like lambs and show you all your place of rest; as for your requests, I intend to send you My Holy Spirit from above so that a light may shine in your darkness; come, you who desire Me and feed yourself on My Word; My Word is wealth and your soul then will array itself in My Magnificence; Love is with you now and forever ….

Adorn, Lord, Your creation in Your magnificence.

I will put Peace in their heart, and Salvation in their soul too, if I hear from them a cry of repentance …. repent, and you will obtain the fruit of pardon; forgive, and you will obtain the fruit of love and peace; come and repent …. My Father’s wrath has kindled a Fire that will burn the world up!

you see, daughter, this generation has planned to commit the abomination which My prophet, Daniel, spoke of; it will do a deed of horror; how can My Father not flare up? My Father will not bear the sight of His Son trampled underfoot, flung to the ground, nor will Saint Michael – Saint Michael and His armies will stand up; – the Beast today challenges Heaven, even My Power!

this is why My Father will burn the crimes of this generation with Fire and this Fire will come at a time when they suspect nothing: by the word of My Mouth and the command of My Father, the present sky and earth are destined for fire; you have been warned about this many times, but instead of announcing you have been denouncing! …. mastered by your weakness …. 4 I tell you as Scriptures say: „happy those whose crimes are forgiven, whose sins are blotted out; happy the man whom the Lord considers sinless” 5 when My Day comes;

pray, My daughter, for your generation; persevere and I shall bring you Hope; I bless you; ic;

1 The Holy Spirit speaks.
2 Jesus now speaks.
4 Jesus said this as if speaking to Himself.