The Joyful Mysteries
1. The Annunciation (Lk 1.26-38)
“…the Spirit with Me and the Father said: ‘Mary full of grace, We are with You; We will hide none of the secrets from You, Our Breath will be Your breath, pure emanation of Our Glory, Mary Our image of Our Goodness, We give you Our Peace in Your Heart, in this perfect Heart I, the Son shall triumph; Our Heart will be Your Heart, a burning furnace of divine love, Our Soul will be Your Soul (…) Our Spirit will be Your Spirit; yes, for anyone who is joined to Us is one spirit with Us (…) this is the One whom We so highly favoured’…”
(March 20, 1996)
2. The Visitation (Lk 1.39-55)
“…your whole being will be lifted and your heart will be exulted and in rapture when your eyes will be unveiled to see the Blessed Heart of the blessed hearts, the Most Holy of saints, the Incomparable Heart, burning with unlimited love, a fire alight and so bright; then, My friend, you will understand what Virtue is, and how in this Virtuous Virginal Heart, I, God, became God-Man, you will see the Mother of your Saviour, Mother of the prophets…”
(March 20, 1996)
3. The Nativity (Mt 2.1-12 ; Lk 2.1-20)
“it is in that Heart, in that Abyss of grace, I exercised My power ~ the Author of heaven and earth, the Author of grace found His heaven in heaven, His grace in grace, to come in the condition of a slave; I came to Prodigious Humility to serve and not to be served; I, the Redeemer of all mankind, the promised Messiah, came to the perfect image of My Sacred Heart to share the sorrows, the joys, the sufferings, the martyrdom, the wonders, the betrayals, the agonies, the scourging, the piercing, and the crucifixion; together Our Hearts atoned; …”
(March 20, 1996)
4. The Presentation (Lk 2.22-38)
“today, I am looking down from heaven to count the clean hearts: – what am I to say? Was My Sacrifice in vain? My Spirit is broken … I sacrificed Myself for you in order to set you free from all wickedness and to purify a people so that it could be My very Own and would have no ambition except to do good; I have done everything so that you could be justified by grace and become heirs to My Kingdom; I have been intensively teaching you all and with great compassion, My Law, renewing you with the Holy Spirit of Grace, even to repeating Myself invariably; I now teach, giving you instructions in the way of Holy Wisdom; it is not a new doctrine but the same one of the Bride, in which you can rely on; you all belong to My House; since I have bought My House with My Own Blood and I have shed every drop of My Blood for everyone … you are My House… ”
(January 20, 2001)
5. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple (Lk 2.40-51)
“come, you who err still in this wilderness, saying: ‘I have sought My Redeemer but have not found Him;’ find Me, My beloved, in purity of heart, by loving Me without self-interest; find Me in holiness, in the abandonment I desire of you; find Me by observing My Commandments; find Me by replacing evil with love, find Me in simplicity of heart; sin no more; cease in doing evil; learn to do good; search for justice; help the oppressed; let this wilderness and this aridity exult; let your tepidness enflame into an ardent flame; relinquish your apathy and replace it by fervour; do all these things so that you may be able to say: ‘I have sought my Redeemer and I have found Him’, He was near me all the time but in my darkness I failed to see Him; O Glory be to God! Blessed be our Lord! how could I have been so blind?’ I shall then remind you to keep and treasure My Principles, so that you may live.”
(July 8, 1989)
The Luminous Mysteries
1. The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River (Mt 3:13-17)
“to what can you compare My Sacred Heart? to a Fountain that makes the gardens fertile? yes, so if any man is thirsty, let him come to Me! let the man come and drink; My Heart is a well of living water; come and immerse yourself in those streams that flow out from My Sacred Heart;”
(November 28, 1996)
2. The Wedding at Cana (Jn 2.1-12)
“find your comfort in Her embrace and in those same arms that carried My Son through the desert into Egypt; honour the Mother who honoured Me with Her graciousness, why, have I not highly favoured Her? I have done great things for the Woman clothed with the sun, so that from that day forward when My Spirit covered Her, all generations would call Her Blessed (…) who tells you that I shall not listen to Her? Has your Mother not interceded in Cana? these signs were performed so that your spirit may understand what your spirit rejects today; this sign was meant for all ages to come; the Woman adorned with the sun, adorned with My Holy Spirit, thrice Holy and who fills the world, ranks as Mother of God;”
(January 27, 1996)
3. The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God, and a call to conversion (Mk 1. 15)
“God comes to you all, even to the most wretched; return to God and He will return to you; come and make your home in His Heart as He makes His in yours. Let it be known that without earnest prayers you will not be able to see the Kingdom of God – His reign on earth is at hand. Remember – what God wants of you is a change of heart. Do not be afraid to acknowledge your sins. Live and practise the sacrament of confession.”
(April 23, 1993)
4. The Transfiguration (Lk 9. 28-36)
“like in the transfiguration, I shall transfigure My Church to have all the radiant glory of Her youth, in Her bridal days;” (20.10.90) “My Will shall be done on earth as it is in Heaven because you will be one, worshipping Me around one Tabernacle with love in your heart and a Fire burning inside you; I shall accomplish My priestly prayer on earth as in Heaven, your souls shall be rooted in Me, in Love, in Unity and filled up with the utter fullness of My Spirit; yes, My beloved ones, I shall not only give you your daily bread, but also a hidden Treasure out of My Heart: The Celestial Manna, that transfigures, uplifts your spirit into a copy of My Spirit; you shall be transfigured with the outpouring of My Spirit.”
(December 19, 1990) “I shall make out of each one of you a radiant city, I shall renew you entirely for this is the way I shall have you ready to wed My Holy Spirit;”
(May 13,1991) “I am on My way back to transfigure the whole of My creation in the goodness and holiness of theTruth;”
(December 21, 1992)
5. The Institution of the Eucharist (Jn 13)
“My Grace I reveal to you and salvation has been given to you through My Son, Jesus Christ; in order to set you free, He sacrificed Himself for you; in order for you to share a Divine Life, He constituted the Holy Eucharist to sanctify you and partake of His Body and Blood; you are not partaking any mere bread or wine, but you are partaking God Himself; if you would only reflect on this Mystery and understand it fully! the Inaccessible God is Accessible to you, the Invisible God is visible to you, and ready to divinize you; He whose grandeur surpassess all angelic forces and all beings and all that has been created, is at your disposal, creation! God Himself is being offered to you to give you back your divinity, divinizing your soul to enter Eternal Life;
(June 30, 1999) “I will re-erect My Eucharist in the houses1 that have been despoiled of My Presence and they shall become holy;”
(October 16, 2000)
The Sorrowful Mysteries
1. The Agony in the Garden (Mt 26.36-50 ; Mk 14.32-46 ; Lk 22.39-48 ; Jn 18.1-8)
“O Gethsemane! what have you to unfold but fears, anguishes, betrayals and abandonments! Gethsemane you have depleted men from courage, you have suspended in your still air My agonies for all eternity. Gethsemane, what have you to declare that was undeclared? you have witnessed in the stillness of Holiness, the betrayal of your God, you have witnessed Me. the hour had come, Scriptures were to be fulfilled; daughter, I know that many souls believe in Me as though I was but a myth, they believe that I existed only in the past, for many I am but a passing shadow now eclipsed with time and evolution very few realize that I existed in flesh on earth and exist now among you. I Am All what came to pass and is to pass; I know their fears, I know their anguishes, I know their weaknesses, have I not witnessed all these frailties in Gethsemane? daughter, when Love prayed in Gethsemane, a thousand devils were shaken, fearing demons took flight, the hour had come: Love was glorifying Love. O Gethsemane witness of the Betrayed, witness of the Forlorned, arise, witness and testify. daughter, Judas betrayed Me, but how many more like Judas are betraying Me still. I knew instantly that his kiss would spread among many and for generations to come, this same kiss will be given to Me over and over again, renewing My sorrow, rending My Heart. Vassula, come let Me be consoled, let Me rest in your heart.”
(May 17, 1987)
2. The Scourging (Mt 27.26 ; Mk 15.15 ; Jn 19.1)
“Having scourged Me they spat on Me and gave Me several hard blows on My head leaving Me dizzy, they kicked Me in My stomach leaving Me breathless and falling to the ground, moaning with pain they took sport in Me kicking Me by turn, I was unrecognizable, My body was broken and so was My heart, My flesh which was ripped off, hung all over My body … one of them picked Me up and dragged Me because My legs would not carry Me any longer.”
(November 9, 1986)
3. The Crowning with Thorns (Mt 27.27-301 ; Mk 15.16-20 ; Jn 18.37 ; Jn 19.2-15)
„Then they clothed Me with one of their robes, they hauled Me foreward, repeating their blows, hitting Me across My face, breaking My nose, harassing Me, I listened to their insults, daughter with such hatred and mockery their voices resounded, augmenting My cup, I listened to them saying, ‘where are your friends mustering while their king is with us, are all Jews as treacherous as these ones? behold their king!’ and they crowned Me with a woven crown of thorns, ‘where are your Jews to hail you, You ARE king are you not? can you mimic one? laugh! do not cry, you are king are you not, behave like one then’…”
(November 9, 1986)
4. The Carrying of the Cross (Mt 27.31-33 ; Mk 15.20-22 ; Lk 23.26-32 ; Jn 19.16-17)
„They tied up My feet with ropes, and told Me to walk to where My Cross was. Daughter, I could not go since they had My feet tied, so they hauled Me to the ground and dragged Me by My hair towards My Cross. My pain was intolerable; parts of my flesh which hung from the scourging was ripped off. They loosened the ropes off My feet and kicked Me to get up and lift My burden on My shoulders. I could not see where My Cross was, for My Eyes were filled up with My Blood, which was streaking down My Face from the thorns which had penetrated My Head. So they lifted My cross and laid it on My shoulders, pushing Me towards the gates. Daughter, O how heavy My Cross was which I had to bear! I felt My way to the gate, led by the scourge behind Me; I tried to see My way through My Blood, which burned My Eyes. I then felt someone wiping My Face. Women in agony came forth, washing My swollen Face; I heard them weeping and mourning; I felt them, „Be blessed,” I uttered. „My Blood will wash away all sins of mankind; behold, daughter, the time has come for your salvation.” I dragged Myself up; the crowds turned wild; I could see no friend around Me; no one was there to console Me; My agony seemed to grow, and I fell on the ground. Fearing that I would expire before the Crucifixion, the soldiers ordered a man called Simon to bear My Cross. Daughter, it was not a gesture of kindness or compassion; it was to save Me for the Cross.”
(November 9, 1986)
5. The Crucifixion (Mt 27.34-61 ; Mk 15.23-47 ; Lk 23.33-56 ; Jn 19.18-42)
„Arriving on the Mount, they thrust Me on the ground, tearing off Me My clothes, leaving Me naked for every eye to see Me; My wounds, opening again, and My Blood flowing out on the earth. The soldiers offered Me wine mixed with gall. I refused it, for deep inside Me, I had already the bitterness given to Me by My foes. They quickly nailed My Wrists first; and after allowing the nails to set in My Cross, they stretched My broken Body, and with violence, pierced My Feet through. Daughter, O daughter, what pain, what agony, what torment of My Soul. Forsaken by My beloved ones, denied by Peter, upon whom I would found My Church, denied by the rest of My friends, left all alone, abandoned to My foes, I wept, for My soul was filled with sorrows. The soldiers erected My Cross, setting it in the furrow. I gazed upon the crowds from where I was, hardly seeing from My swollen Eyes. I watched the world; I saw no friend among those who mocked Me; no one was there to console Me. „My God! My God! why have you forsaken Me?” Forsaken by all those who loved Me. My gaze fell on My Mother; I looked upon Her, and Our Hearts spoke: „I am giving You My beloved children to be your children too. You are to be their Mother.” All was ending; salvation was near; I saw the heavens open, and every angel stood erect; all stood in silence: „My Father, into Your Hands I commend My Spirit; I am with You now.
I Jesus Christ dictated you My agony. bear My Cross, Vassula, bear it for Me, (…) for I love you, daughter.”
(November 9, 1986)
The Glorious Mysteries
1. The Resurrection (Mt 28.1-15 ; Mk 16.1-18 ; Lk 24.1-12 ; Jn 20.1-28)
„Lord of lords, unction of our soul, Light thrice holy, You deified Your divine Body while on earth through Your Resurrection, turning It spiritual and incorruptible; You conquered all material things of the earth; You triumphed over Death; You created a Revelation1 for all eternity; Lover of mankind, You are the living God who gave us Your Bride2 in which She upholds the Truth and keeps it safe; ah, Light thrice holy, You were made visible in flesh, to show us the Father; the Father who is in You and that You are in Him;’…” (31.12.2000)
2. The Ascension (Lk 24.39-53 ; Mk 16.19-20 ; Ac 1.6-9)
„Stay loyal to Me and yearn for all that is Me to efface all that is you; annihilate all that is you by absorbing all that is Me pray for the conversion of souls, pray for peace, love and unity, remember, My Love is Infinite, a Love no man can understand fully on earth. I bless you, turn to Me and bless Me” (20.7.90)
3. Pentecost (Ac 1.14 – 2.47)
„My Holy Spirit repetitively uttered sayings to all of you sweeter than honey even than honey that drips from the comb; I have been perfuming all the cosmos anointing all My creation; I have been allowing everyone who wished to know Me, approach Me and inhale from My Mouth the graces they need to keep their soul tranquil and their heart grafted on Me and My Law … who could give any soul such tranquility and freedom, other than My Holy Spirit? who could lift your soul in the Divine other than My benevolence and the ineffable condescension of My Love?” (7.8.02)
4. The Assumption (Ap 2.11)
„My Mother’s Immaculate Heart is united to Mine, I desire from each one of you the devotion Her Immaculate Heart deserves, you see daughter how Our Divine Hearts are covered by thorns from men who only show Us ingratitude, sacrilege, lack of love, it is the whole of their sins. Vassula, I who is the Word love and respect Her, I desire you to approach My Mother and honour Her as I honour Her; I desire that every knee bends honouring Her, I desire you to pray the Rosary and Hail your Holy Mother, I want you to repair your sins, asking Her to teach you” (25.1.88)
5. The Coronation of Mary in Heaven (Ap 12.1 )
„…She is the Queen of Heaven, She is My Mother and your Mother, the loveliest of women, beautiful as Heaven, radiant as My Glory, unique in Her Perfection, the Delight of My Soul, She is the Woman with the twelve stars on Her Head for a crown, the Vessel of My Glory, a Reflection of My Eternal Light; She is the One whose Presence in My Courts outshines all the constellations put together; She is the Vessel of the True Light, The Word, made flesh, and who lived among you” (11.11.93)
„look, not only have I assigned Her as the Queen of My Angels and My creatures but I have assigned Her to be My Throne;” (20.3.96)