September 22-28, 2023

Report of the Pilgrimage

“out of the land of Egypt I brought forth prophets and saints; a blessing on the land of Egypt, may its foliage remain green and the trees that grow by the river Nile prosper and continue to produce their fruit to feed its people; a glorious throne was set in each place, where the Virgin Mary, My Mother, Joseph the Just and Myself passed by;

Egypt, We tread on your soil and incense raised in heaven as we passed by; have you not read in Scriptures:

‘Ambassadors will come from Egypt,’1

why, did you not know that I have anointed you as well?2 no less than the height of heaven over earth is the greatness of My Love for you; may your soil continue to produce food and keep you cheerful; (True Life in God Messages, October 16, 2000)

Christ once said to Vassula in the messages of True Life in God: do your best and I shall do the rest! The preparations for the 13th ecumenical pilgrimage to Egypt that took place from September 22nd-September 28th, 2023 were a difficult struggle for Vassula and the pilgrimage team to overcome; they did their best though, and God did the rest. The logistics were formidable, the negotiations were complicated. At critical moments in the planning stage, we were asked to pray for this pilgrimage to come about. God answered our prayers. Vassula explained in more detail: “I don’t have words to tell you how important this pilgrimage was this time. This is why we had so many obstacles in finding the right people (travel agencies) to work with us and we had to negotiate with them. We said then while negotiating with the travel agencies that if it happens, it will be miraculous.” 

Yes, it was a miracle, even in the timing, as, little did we know days after we left, the entire region would explode with conflict, with closed borders and crisis. The fact is that we were there at this time, praying for peace, unity and love; did God hear our prayers? Will it make a difference? Did we prevent an even bigger crisis? Our faith gives us confidence in knowing that what was accomplished did make a difference.

Friday, September 22, 2023 was arrival day. Many do not know that there are two Holy Lands – two places where Jesus stepped-foot, Egypt being one of them. With excitement, enthusiasm, and anticipation, 500+ pilgrims from 63 countries found their way to the Grand Nile Tower Hotel. The hotel was built on its own island right on the Nile River and each room afforded a Nile view.

The Coptic church (of Egypt) has in its doxology these words: “Rejoice, Oh Egypt; O, people of Egypt and all ye  Children of Egypt who live

River Nile, view from the hotel

within its borders, rejoice and lift up your hearts, for the lover of all mankind, He who has been before the beginning of ages, has come to you.”

We had to pinch our skin to make sure we were not dreaming as we watched the sunset dance with its light over the Nile, along with the small boats motoring up and down this ancient source of life for Egypt. Yes, what a blessing to be able to come to Egypt!

Vassula acknowledged that many arrivals were in transit for 14 -20 hours, making a tremendous effort to participate. Our hearts silently praised God for His blessings–we arrived!

Accompanying us were 80 Christian clergy from 22 denominations – including monks and nuns, and the good will and friendship of Muslim and Buddhist representatives. The warm, dry, comforting air that covered us after our landing would blanket us for the next six days. Surely, the Virgin Mary who protects Egypt would assist all of us in our pilgrimage journey, in a land where she is loved and revered by all Christians and Muslins alike.  

The Procession

On Saturday, September 23, 2023 our day began with an opening procession to welcome the clergy-Christian, Muslim and Buddhist-in celebration to God, giving first and foremost Glory to our God, for whom we are partaking in this pilgrimage. Vassula led this procession with eighty clergy behind her, slowly walking to the front of the room, solemnly, in contemplation and prayer. Each of them introduced themselves, expressing their unity and oneness. Father Vincent called out the sixty-three countries represented and the respective pilgrims stood up accordingly.

Vassula welcomed us by bringing to mind ‘The Astiname of Muhammad.’ In the year 1516-17, this testament, after being given historical authenticity by the Islamic authorities, was taken to Istanbul for safe keeping. This charter grants protection and other privileges to the followers of Jesus, given to the Christian monks of St. Catherine’s Monastery. It is sealed with an imprint representing Muhammad’s hand.

The Astiname of Muhammad

 This document denotes that unity between the Christian and Muslim faiths is the foundation and the fabric of Egyptian culture and its traditions. Vassula alluded to the fact that God is indeed manifesting His mercy on us at this moment that the world does not deserve the mercy we receive, but that His love is unconditional.

She reminded us that His love binds us because we all come from the Father and that we are His seed. We live under the same sun, no matter where we come from. A brotherly approach pleases God. We need to remember that God chose us; we, in our sinful state did not choose Him. Our primary mission then is to love and serve Him; to Glorify Him. She concluded by reminding us that we must lower our heads entirely so He can lift us.

On January 31, 1991 Our Lady told Vassula that God is calling us. We are born for Him, to love Him, to please Him. We are called to return to Him. In unison, we must pray for peace and be zealous for peace. Prayers for peace are God’s Spring flowers. Our glory to God is not in vain.

Bishop Seraphim from Zimbabwe referenced St. Athanasios from Alexandria, saying that we are all God’s children. What is God’s Will is not our will. In following God’s Will, we do the right thing. St. Athanasios illuminated that darkness is the absence of light. With peace in our hearts, we begin the process of Metanoia. Any division among us crucifies Jesus. Jesus intends that love and justice belongs to everybody. The suffering we encounter is an indicator that we are responsible for the manifestation of a better world. We need not concern ourselves with politics, but peace through peaceful dialogue. Egypt protected Jesus’ life. The light given to us through the presence of God is always with us to protect us.

Clergy Introductions

And so, with our Blessed Mother as our guide, we began our Egypt pilgrimage tour. While on our tour, many people from the streets would wave at our group of thirteen busses.

They expressed with their smiles a childlike warmth of heart that was welcoming. Most who visit this Holy land experience this connection with the local people. The poverty in Egypt is at 60%, but surprisingly enough a baby is born every 16 seconds. The population growth is so vast, that construction can be seen everywhere: the building of new high-rises and new neighborhoods.

The government is even working on building a new capital to bring all offices and workers to a new city to help alleviate the intense congestion in Cairo.

A Photo of the Virgin Mary’s Apparition in Zeitoun