On April 10, 2024, I was called to witness about the messages of True Life in God in Salonika, (Thessaloniki) Greece.
We travelled by car on the 9th with Candy Giannoutsikou. Daphne and Chrysa, who by the Grace of God are doing great work in spreading the TLIG messages in Thessaloniki, welcomed us with great joy. The next day we met at Daphne’s house; she had invited ten people to hear my testimony. It was a very beautiful evening where the Presence of the Holy Spirit was powerful. We all felt as if we knew each other from long ago.

At the end of my testimony, many of the attendees had questions which we answered by the Grace of God. Also, Candy spoke about the Beth Myriam Mission, and the charity work that is done through it all over the world. She has been involved with this mission for many years now.

On this same day I had an idea; perhaps an enlightenment from God- to start an online “What’s up” group with all the new people who had come to hear my testimony and who were interested in learning more about the TLIG Messages-A follow up. This group now meets online twice a week; we share stories about Jesus, occurrences and situations that happened to Vassula which she had shared with us.

Many times we post one of her video testimonies that are on you tube, and we discuss them. During these meetings, other people from the Greek Association participate, giving their own testimony of how they were introduced to the TLIG messages and how it has changed their lives.

Vassula had welcomed this ‘follow-up’ idea with joy, pointing out how important the post witness meeting follow up is. She told us, “Now you have created one group; then you will do a second one from another city and a third one and so on.”

And so, it was. One year later, we have three new online groups with new readers from different cities in Greece. Vassula advised us to meet often with all the newcomers, to share online cafe moments with them, to tell personal stories that we have experienced, so that we can warm their hearts, help them to read the TLIG messages and receive the Grace and Healing that only Christ can provide. When the time comes in which they express a desire to learn and pray the Rosary, we add them in prayer groups.

The fruits of these online meetings have been good, as new people from other parts of Greece have joined. I thank the Lord for allowing each one of us – according to the gift He has given us – to participate in His Salvation Plan for the world.

May the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ be blessed.

In Christ,
an unworthy child of God

Valia Zoppa