Friday, June 20, 2003 10:56 AM
Dear TLIG friends,
This is an important note again to ask from all of you constant prayers for the decision that the CDF will take on me and the TLIG and its activities. After having given in my answers to the five questions put to me, as you know, Cardinal Ratzinger requested that we print them in our books so that people get to know what is going on.
Then just now recently we heard from various Bishops whom we know, that Cardinal Ratzinger asked them, including ALL the Bishops as well, to give in to him their own opinion on TLIG.
Up to now the investigation and study that had been done was done here in Rome by various groups in the Vatican for many months and I had heard that so far my answers to the questions were giving good results and satisfactory. Now we have to wait for this last new step. We know that there are Bishops that are not favourable to TLIG and others who have been misinformed by files given in to them by people who persecute the messages raising all sorts of wrong things, and others who have no idea. After their response, Cardinal Ratzinger must evaluate the whole thing. Keep praying because his conclusion is important and will be given to us perhaps sometime in autumn.
I know you had been praying when I asked you to pray for something concerning the Church and indeed your prayers were heard. It was about the investigation in the Vatican. Now we need more prayers so that we get good results. We ask our priests to remember this request as well in their Masses. Thank you in advance.
God bless you,
There is a separate prayer request attached to this mail from Bishop Arguelles of the Philippines