Scrittura a mano

I messaggi consegnati a Vassula sono scritti da lei con una calligrafia maestosa, diversa dalla sua, mentre lascia che la sua mano sia guidata in modo soprannaturale.

An extract from an interview with Vassula focused on the subject of the handwriting

Rev. Christian Curty, OFM, Priest and Exorcist from the Marian Movement of Priests, Marseille, France, writes this essay about the handwriting and this "letter of our Lord to His Church"
by Rev. Christian Curty, OFM

J. A. Munier, graphological consultant in handwriting for the Court of Appeals of Paris, France analyzes the writing

This video illustrates the special handwriting of Vassula when she receives the True Life in God messages. The video clip includes footage of Vassula actually receiving a message from the Lord. This particular event is recorded in the messages themselves.