Mission to four French-speaking countries: Switzerland, Luxemburg, Belgium, France

12-18 February, 2015

The first public TLIG meeting in which Vassula spoke took place in Lausanne in 1988, paving the way for the Messages to spread in Switzerland, France, the United Kingdom, and all over Europe later on. The Lord had told the then hesitant and inexperienced Vassula: “It is I who will organize and give you the program of My Meetings; it is I who will tell you what to say; the program will be given to you from above; I am Wisdom and from Wisdom you will receive It.” (December 17, 1988)

Ever since then, over a thousand meetings and presentations of the True Life in God Messages have taken place all over the world. There has been a great deal of opposition, rejections and attacks against the Message as well as on Vassula, who has received not only the grace, but the command as well from God to deliver it to the world. There have been countless conversions and miracles through the grace of The Holy Spirit in the souls of those who study the Messages and are reminded of God’s way.

“Was there any prophet who was not persecuted, threatened or attacked? They are ranging second in the rank of My Church, after the apostles, yet they have always been mistreated and abused, for out of their mouth they hear the truth and the truth disturbs them.” (TLIG, June 30th, 1990).

In this mission to the four French-speaking countries, Vassula glorified the Lord once again, making His message known. As He does each and every time at these meetings, He showed His Love, reminding us that the Lord is always with us. In every meeting the hall was filled with newcomers who had never heard of God’s Messages: True Life in God! The newcomers were listening with such intensity that had a pin fallen at that moment we would have heard it!


Lausanne, Switzerland

The first fruits from 1988 in Lausanne yielded more fruits, and the TLIG message became known in many cities of Switzerland. Prayer groups were established, and with the grace of the Holy Spirit and the power of prayer, they continue to work for God’s glory and the dissemination of the Work of True Life in God, a Message that brings hope to the people and to our world that is more in shambles today than in any other time in history. With respect and love, the organizers co-operated for God’s work, doing their best in preparation for Vassula’s speech in Lausanne.

Since advertising the meeting through the press would have been very expensive, the Internet was deployed, invitations were handed out in churches; friends and acquaintances were informed. The news spread by word of mouth, and even though it was a holiday period and people were on the mountains, the attendance was very high. In the Palais de Beaulieu hall, with a seating capacity of 1200, the two banners of Jesus and Our Lady were placed at each side of the stage, beautifully decked with rose arrangements. At the center of the stage, a large screen displayed Vassula as she spoke, while the Lord’s Prayer, sung in Aramaic, could be heard in the hall. Wearing orange armbands, the organizers were accommodating people. At the hall entrance, printed materials of information about True Live in God were displayed, classified into categories. One category was the book containing all the TLIG messages, another was the edition of Vassula’s biography Heaven Is Real, But So Is Hell, which had just come out in French, and at a separate table was information and photos of the TLIG work of love, the Beth Myriams.

By the time Vassula arrived, the hall was almost filled to capacity. About 900 people attended her testimony, in a spiritual atmosphere… Simultaneously, as she spoke, the translation was given to German. Swiss residents from many countries of Europe, Africa and Asia, had come for the meeting. Vassula’s family, who live in Lausanne, attended her speech once again, seated in the first rows. Jacques’ and Isabel’s grandchildren, along with their parents, 21 people in all, interrupted their school holidays to attend Vassula’s speech.


After speaking about Vassula’s mission and the TLIG messages, Fr. Vincent invited Vassula to the podium. Vassula greeted people and asked them to recite with her the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic. Before beginning her speech, she inquired how many members of the audience were listening to her for the first time, asking them to raise their hand. One fourth of the audience was listening to her for the first time, and this finding is a pleasant surprise every time… New readers, new souls came to listen to God’s echo…

«Blessed are those who will open themselves to Me and allow My Dew of Peace and Love penetrate in them….” (TLIG, November 21, 1988)


Vassula talked about how this revelation had begun in Bangladesh. She discussed prayer and the importance of confession. She explained what “We, Us” means and how much it pleases God if we offer Him our will daily. She went on to say that young people today believe there is no God. For this reason, the Lord, seeing our generation dead, seeing the great apostasy of our era, intervenes and shows His Presence among us. The Holy Spirit comes to raise the spiritually dead and to inflame the hearts of those who believe in Jesus Christ. Jesus is asking us to thank Him and praise Him daily. He is asking us to be reconciled to Him and He is promising that He will shower us with graces and blessings. Vassula stressed that we can recognize the signs of the times by the great apostasy that has spread all over the world like a fog and has even infiltrated into the House of God… “God is asking us to change our hearts, to convert and live a holy life…”

“In the end times people who ridicule [God] will appear. They will follow their own ungodly desires…” (Jude 1:18)

She mentioned the TLIG prayer groups that have established in Switzerland and invited those wishing to participate to leave their contact information at the exit. She asked people to make a habit of reciting the prayer of healing and deliverance, stressing its power when recited from the heart. Concluding her speech, she thanked the audience who had come to listen by saying: “…Jesus invited you and motivated you to come and listen to His word. I shall pray for you, but you should also not neglect to pray for me and my family…”


In a climate of joy and enthusiasm, some members of the audience approached Vassula to greet her, thank her, and have their books signed. Among them, were some of the first fruits of the message in Switzerland. At the bookstand, the books sold out. It was a delight to watch how the people were thirsting for God after hearing of the sweetness of God; to watch all of this brings hope for the Church, and the messages do uplift souls, bringing them closer to God.  The presence of our Lord among us, anointing us with graces, radically transforms hearts.

Once again, it was a wonderful testimony, inspired by the Holy Spirit… a hymn for God’s infinite love and mercy: a call for Church Unity. We are praying that this call reaches everyone’s heart.



The following day, February 13, we boarded the plane from Geneva for Luxemburg. Among all the countries in the world that Vassula has witnessed in, this country was added to the list as the 82nd one. Isabel was with us on this trip, following Vassula through the rest of her journey, until reaching her final destination in France. At the airport, we were welcomed by some of the Luxemburg organizers as well as several French volunteers from the French TLIG Association who had come by car from France, carrying printed TLIG material and all that was necessary for organizing the speech in Luxemburg.

The assistance from the French TLIG Association towards this mission to the four French-speaking countries was considerable. It was the first time that Luxemburg had organized a speech/testimony on the TLIG messages, so the assistance and experience from the French was a prerequisite. They were guiding us, and in a spirit of solidarity and co-operation, they were quietly working, preparing the hall for each speech. They followed us to Belgium, and returned to France via Saumur, a town close to Nantes. During dinner on this first day, we had the opportunity to meet most of them. Happy and in a good mood, they were discussing the final preparation details before Vassula’s speech, which was to take place the following day.




During the morning of February 14, Vassula was interviewed by Mr. Christian Parmantier, who writes for the Stella Maris magazine. The interview lasted about an hour, and among other things, she talked about the new book Heaven Is Real But So Is Hell. Vassula explained that it is written in simple language, and is intended mainly for the young who are not acquainted with God. It includes important events of her life, from her childhood until today, as well as extracts from the TLIG messages.

At the “Maria Theresa” hall of the hotel, the banners of Jesus Christ and Our Lady had already been placed and at the center there was a screen projecting the icon of the Ultimate Humility of Christ, painted by Vassula. Several TLIG friends had travelled from Germany, Belgium and Greece to attend Vassula’s speech and to personally invite friends and acquaintances living in Luxemburg to this speech. The hall, with a seating capacity of about 350-400 people was full. Also at this speech, there were a large number of young people, new readers of the messages, attending. The multiculturalism of the audience was impressive as well. We have all been created in His Image, and Jesus’ Sacrifice was for all His creatures!


Fr. Cuenot, who, in the past, met Vassula for the first time in Brazil, introduced her. As Vassula was speaking, the speech was simultaneously translated into German. After greeting everyone present, she invited us to stand up and pray with her the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic. She spoke about Church Unity and the unification of the date of Easter; about the New Heavens and the New Earth, which will take place inside us; about the Day of the Lord, the power of prayer, especially of prayer coming from the heart with childlike simplicity. She stressed that Love is the key to Heaven; it is the powerful means in putting a stop to the great Apostasy… And in extinguishing one’s ego; the humbler one becomes, the easier the Holy Spirit will find His way inside us…

Vassula concluded her speech with the prayer for healing and deliverance, stressing that this prayer given her by the Lord is very powerful and effective when we pronounce each word with our heart. She thanked the people for thirsting for Jesus, saying that she would pray for those present and their families, on condition that they, too, would pray for her and her family.

Each one of her speeches is unique. Even when she repeats the same topics, her approach and interpretation is made in a different and unique way each time. Through her witness talk we can see that the Lord is continually teaching and reminding her everything He has said to her, since many years back. He is not giving a new teaching. He is reminding her of the complete Truth, so that those who have been led astray can convert and get to know His way.

Vassula’s testimony, which is a hymn to God, provides solace and animates the faith. It gives light and hope in the heart and grief diminishes. It reassures the soul, such as a child who runs to find shelter in the Presence of the Triune God. The Lord takes care of the hungry, and those who fear Him, with His heavenly food: the Messages of True Life in God are indeed a miracle of our time!

Brussels, Belgium

Immediately after the meeting, we departed by car for Belgium. Our French friends followed us with their cars. We traveled with friends, TLIG volunteers from Belgium, who had come to Luxembourg to participate in the organizing. Our trip to Belgium lasted 2.30 hours. We arrived at night in Brussels. In the hotel, a joyful young girl, Athena, welcomed Vassula, giving her a nice bouquet of flowers. There, we met with the other organizers from Belgium and dined with them.

It is a great pleasure, each time in a different country, in Europe or anywhere in the world, to meet with volunteers who work with consistency and dedication in the vineyard of TLIG, spreading the Message in their country. They are the ones for whom the Lord says:

“Tell them that they are the Joy of My Heart; I am their Father … Yahweh is My Name “(TLIG, November 5, 2013)

They are not many, but they are almost everywhere. They are the ones who answered to the call of God and with their limited powers work selflessly. Their work bears fruit because they are covered by the grace of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and because they have Mary Most Holy as a Guide, Advisor and Mediatrix. It is the TLIG spiritual family that stretches around the world and is rooted in Christ. They are the apostles of the End Times who work quietly, despite the attacks and obstacles, with the sole purpose to make the Message of True Life in God and Christ’s desire for Church Unity known.

On Sunday morning, February 15, we attended the Divine Liturgy at the Church of St. Catherine at the center of Brussels. At noon, arriving at Boulevard du Jardin Botanique, Center 44, in Brussels, where the meeting would take place, a delegation from the Embassy of Congo was waiting for Vassula. It was a very pleasant encounter. After offering Vassula a souvenir gift, they passed into the hall where they attended her talk. The organizers had prepared the hall, placing the banner of Christ and Mary along with flowers on the podium. In the hall were about 400 people. Vassula was introduced in both Flemish and French. There was simultaneous translation of her talk in Dutch, since three buses traveled from the Netherlands for this meeting.

Vassula, as always, thanked the attendees who came to listen to the message of God and began with the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic. Also this meeting was the first time for the majority of the audience to hear Vassula; there were many new men and women and among them some priests. Vassula, in these cases where there are many newcomers, makes a point to speak about the beginning of the Messages, the early years of the revelation of the Messages while in Bangladesh.  She emphasized the tender love of the Father, the unity that Christ asks from His Church through the need for the existence of a common celebration date for Easter and the great apostasy that exists in the world and in European countries. She talked about how God educates us, giving us small daily lessons, in order to understand Him better and progress spiritually. The meeting ended with the prayer for healing and deliverance. Vassula thanked the people for their attendance and bade them farewell.


Later, Annette offered us a driving tour of the city of Brussels and dinner in an Asian restaurant. With us were Fr. Joseph and Dominic.

Early the next morning, after taking the standard group souvenir photo with the organizers, they bade us farewell with warm hugs and kisses for the next and last country of our trip, France.

Saumur, France

The next day, Monday, February 16, we left for Saumur, France, by air from Brussels to Nantes where the organizers were expecting us. From Nantes we traveled by bus for Saumur, where we arrived after a 2 hour long journey. At the hotel, the French group that had already arrived by car from Brussels was waiting. At the dinner were 6 priests from different Churches who came from different cities of France to attend Vassula’s meeting and be with her: Archbishop Norvan Zakarian-Orthodox Armenian Church, Bishop Athanasius- (General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church of France), from the Roman Catholic Church Mgr. Jean-Régis Froppo (Abbot of the monastery of St Augustine) and Fr. Rene Laurentin, who although unwell, insisted in being with us in Saumur to hear Vassula.  He was driven in by a good friend of his, a lady who is 87 years of age; this was a journey of 7 hours from Paris, so as to listen to Vassula’s talk.

… And as the sun and the moon shine on all things, My Holy Countenance will shine on you as a blessing, confirming that I Am is the true and only Author of True Life in God and that you are My gift to mankind, this is the manner by which I will seal My Message … immense is My Name and My Glory … (TLIG, December 7, 1993)

The next morning after Mass, we were together with the priests and the organizers in the hotel lounge. The conversation always revolved around the messages and Vassula’s mission. Vassula was talking with the priests, while the others, even in moments of rest, were working as they were stooping over computers, exchanging thoughts and ideas; these are moments of brotherhood, moments of love and unity, all feeling that we are members of the Body of Christ.

At 7.15 pm, we left for the hall «Parc Saumur-Events». The place was enormous and resembled an airplane parking area. About 900 people attended Vassula’s meeting. Fr. Froppo introduced Vassula and thanked her for the journey and for her witnessing in France.

Vassula greeted the audience and asked how many were listening to her for the first time. In Saumur as well, many new people attended her meeting for the first time. After praying the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic together with the people, Vassula spoke about the beginning of the messages and her Angel Daniel. She spoke about the love that is missing among us, about prayer that is said only with the lips and without love. She stressed that we do not thank God for what He is giving us as blessings, daily, but instead, we are negative, fastidious and grumpy. She read messages that came from the Father and from Christ. She said that the unity of the Church is the most important thing in our time; we should be praying for unity and stressed that if the Church would be united, then the wars and the evil in the world will stop. She spoke about the Virgin Mary, about the messages Christ is giving about Our Mother and that Christ comes, as a reminder of His Word, to warn us about the future events. She talked about the Signs of the Times and the great apostasy that St John the Evangelist mentions in the book of Revelation. She reminded us that the Lord says not to fear, because in the end the triumph of two Sacred Hearts shall prevail… Christ loves us to folly, but we cannot understand the magnitude of this love and that we are not worthy of. He thirsts for us to love Him and rejoices in every pure heart. …The hope is for us to grow spiritually through the Holy Spirit. Without Him we cannot live and therefore we die spiritually…” And after having urged the people to address God with simplicity, like children, Vassula gave the floor to Bertrand who spoke about the work of the Beth Myriams.  He stressed that Vassula does not receive any money for her work or from the publications of the TLIG books. He informed the people about the books that were at the stands, about the prayer groups, the pilgrimages, the TLIG e-news…

Vassula closed this meeting, as she did with the others, with the prayer for healing and deliverance; the attendees recited it with her. She said that the Lord gave us a very powerful prayer for our times and He teaches us how to pray. She thanked them for coming, stressing that Jesus knows everyone’s problems individually, and bade them farewell…

The messengers of God succeed one another over the centuries in order to tell the world to repent. In this way, God reveals Himself more than ever, so as to bring us back to Him and to remind us of His Commandments. Vassula conveyed the message of God to the four French-speaking countries of Europe and completed her mission successfully, giving joy to those who worked to accomplish it and to those who attended her meetings. In each mission, where Vassula is invited to witness about the messages of True Life in God, the intended outcome is to have the attendance of new people. Thus, the Word of God is spread continuously.

We thank the TLIG volunteers of the four countries for the excellent organization, the warm hospitality, their love for Vassula, for the message of True Life in God and me too. The success of Vassula’s meetings shows that they did their best in organizing each meeting … and that the rest was taken care by the Lord, as always…

In Christ
Gethsemane Vlaserou