January 18, 1993


(Today is my birthday and the first day of Unity week. It was also once the Feast of Peter’s Chair. Today I have been invited to speak at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament by the very holy bishop Francis A Quinn. In the afternoon just before my meeting, the people who invited me offered me a present. When I saw it I felt that it came from Jesus. For He had said to me these words on October 21, 1992: … „rejoice and exult for to you in turn My Cup I will pass … I mean to bring nation after nation to live under My shadow, and believe that the Father sent Me; yes, the Day will come when all the earthly rulers, the governors and the men of influence, the whole population, will recognise Me as the Christ, Son of the Living God; and from every place, men will lift their hands up reverently in prayer and worship, all in one voice and heart…“ and this is what they offered me: a gold-plated Chalice. Engraved on it are these words:

That they all may be one
Feast of Christian Unity
January 18 1993

Then the two bishops that were present celebrated Mass after my talk. The choir sang in the cathedral and everything was majestic. They used my Chalice during that Mass for Unity, consecrating the Precious Blood of Jesus inside it.

When I was giving my talk in the Cathedral, and was looking at the crowds that had amassed, an estimated 1800 people, I felt sad. There I was, sent by the Lord, to give a speech on Unity and facing perhaps 98% Roman Catholics; „but of the men of my people1 not one was with me“; there were even Moslems and Jews in the Cathedral …. But the Lord kept His surprise gift for my birthday till later on. – Just before Mass, in walks an Orthodox priest with his assistant. After Mass he asked to talk to me. We met at the sacristy and I understood what the Lord was saying to Me: „Russia will be the country who will glorify Me most.“ He was a Russian Orthodox priest …

In the darkness of our division a tiny light of hope will shine of unity. This little light of hope is Russia. Unity will come through Russia and she will glorify God! I told the Russian priest that he was my birthday present from Jesus. His name is Fr. Vassili which is the male name of my name, Vassula.

The other sign that unity will be brought by Russia was that when I asked the Lord to choose an opening prayer, He chose the prayer of a Russian priest: Fr Sergius Bulgakov. He had asked me to open at random and I did, and my eyes saw first this prayer, that I wrote on December 29, 1989. Here it is again:

„O Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour,
thou didst promise to abide with us always.
Thou dost call all Christians
to draw near and partake of Thy Body and Blood.
But our sin has divided us and we have no power
to partake of Thy Holy Eucharist together.
We confess this our sin
and we pray thee, forgive us
and help us to serve the ways of reconciliation
according to Thy Will.
Kindle our hearts with the fire of the Holy Spirit,
give us the spirit of wisdom and faith,
of daring and of patience,
of humility and of firmness,
of love and of repentance,
through the prayers of the most blessed Mother of God,
and of all the saints.

1 Greek Orthodox. (I heard that the Greek bishop had forbidden the Greek Orthodox to come to my meeting.)