November 10, 1992
peace be with you; today’s lands have been totally polluted and have everything but Me;
what seems right to the world is abhorrent in My Sight and is already condemned by Me; if the world hates you it is because you love Me; let your testimony be valid in My Eyes and I tell you, your testimony will only be valid were you to sacrifice entirely for the salvation of souls and show your love by laying down your life for your friends and for those you call your enemies, so that when My Day comes you need feel no shame;
I, Myself, will provide you with My Strength; in the meantime carry on the work I have given you and shout for joy; rejoice because with My Power I will break through their wall and let everything that had been hidden from you be exposed to light; your eyes will see crawling before you all sorts of animals and snakes; but do not be afraid of those who kill the body, I tell you they cannot kill the soul; fear him rather who can destroy both body and soul in hell! follow in My Footprints and do not look for honour or praise;
if the world takes you for impostors know that you are genuine, for the first one the world took for an imposter was Me; love! and forgive! pray for those who plot incredible schemes against My Holy Spirit and do not judge them lest what is fatal for them, turns to be fatal on you; let Me correct them, let everything you do be planted in love; I shall provide you and fill you with consolations; every thorn in My Body will be removed in the end; Love will triumph;