International Gathering of True Life in God in the Holy Land
«Remember Me to your friends.
Your friends are My friends.
My dove, tell them what their most gracious Father says: tell them that were they to remain in Me, in My Love, their joy would be complete and everything they would strive for, for My Sake, in their work, but would be unable to complete or succeed with because of their human frailty, I as a Father, having seen their nobility of thought, I would take into consideration their good intentions for wanting to please Me. And so I, in My turn, will supply what would be lacking in them, so that many would believe in My Work and Divine Theme of Love; they would believe not because of them but in the evidence of the Perfect Work that will be accomplished in My Divinity.»
An Introduction
by Jonathan & Erwin
Over two-hundred people received the grace of Participating in the 1998 International Gathering for Prayer on Unity in the spirit of True Life in God in Jerusalem.
The meeting was held at Knight’s Palace Guest House, May 2nd and 3rd inside the walls of the Old City, a short walk from Golgotha. The talks were given in English with simultaneous translation into French, German, Spanish, Arabic and Japanese. Seventeen Clergy from all three major branches of the Church (Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant) were in attendance.
Some traveled literally for days to arrive from Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Japan, Thailand, Mexico, Nigeria, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Uruguay, the United States, Canada and Europe.
These people shared one thing in common. The True Life in God messages had changed their life and in response each in their own way and out of own their free will, now had a sincere desire to live and evangelize the messages given through Vassula from the Holy Trinity.
The two day retreat opened with a solemn procession, where the Clergy and Vassula, accompanied by the sounds of rhythmic local Christian hymns entered the conference room. This was followed by a brief introduction from each Priest. It was indeed inspiring and encouraging to see how Jesus had gathered clergy from every corner of the world: Catholic, Russian Orthodox and Protestant.
Vassula, then came to the podium with a large lit candle raised above her head, greeting the assembly with the Greek words ‘Christos Anesti» (Christ is risen). Orthodox participants from Greece spontaneously began a traditional Hymn from their Eastern vigil. Thus the International True Life in God Retreat and Pilgrimage 1998, in the Holy Land was opened with much joy and countless blessings from the generous Heart of our Heavenly Father. This outpour of graces, healing and profound teachings on everyone present increased by the moment as Vassula and the other guest speakers addressed the gathering with their inspired teachings.
For 2 days of meeting and 5 days of Pilgrimage afterwards, the Participants from 36 countries lived the future reality of Christianity. Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants prayed together, concelebrated mass together and learned together. The Unity as the messages say was, «in the heart.» If there was a way to transmit the real Joy, the real fellowship in God’s Sublime Love and His Peace that was at this meeting our wish would be to do so. We believe these presentations inspired by Jesus Christ and containing his and the Father’s words can help those who have the ears to hear the truth go forward in their spiritual life.
The setting for this special gathering surely was not a coincidence, as Jesus reassures us in the messages, that His Divine Providence arranges such things. The significance of Jerusalem through its Salvation History is always on people’s minds. For it was nearly 2000 years ago that «there were devout men from every nation under heaven … dwelling in Jerusalem. And Peter filled with the Holy Spirit stood up to address the multitude: Quoting from the prophet Joel he said:
And it came come to pass in the last day, says God,
that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
your old men shall dream dreams.
And on my menservants and on my maidservants
I will pour out my Spirit in those days and they shall prophesy.
I will show wonders in heaven and signs in the earth beneath.
(Acts 2:17-20)
These eternal words are being fulfilled in our days in many places on earth. The international True Life in God meeting in Jerusalem, surely must have been a significant milestone in Jesus’s desire to bring His Divine Love Hymn forward to humanity in these end times.