May 25, 1993
Eli! O Eli, my God,
in your loving kindness come and defend me!
You who lifted me from the grave
do not hide Your Holy Face from me.
Come to my side!
Why do I feel You so far from me?
To many I seem an enigma, a phenomenon,
but You Yourself asked me to be Your Echo, have You not?
So why does Your Echo disturb their ears
when I am proclaiming Your marvels openly?
Is it Your immense Power that frightens them?
Is it Your massive Strength that leaves them trembling?
Is it Your Voice thundering from heaven
around the earth, in every nation, and in every city,
that torments them?
Is it because of Your majestic procession
most powerfully revealed they are left in awe?
Is it because I cry out at the four corners of the earth
that Heaven is deluging soon at Your coming
and that repentance should be made fast,
that they are appalled?
Or is it because of Your downpour of Blessings and Mercy
they have doubts?
Tell me, is it the Cries of Agony coming from a Father,
that they cannot grasp?
Your cries of Unity, Peace and Reconciliation
are resounding in heaven and on earth,
yet who is listening? Who can understand?
Their flesh is rotting under their skin,
yet when You cry out, «Salvation!»
no one listens ….
Ah, Eli, so many are waiting
that I may be seduced into error
and head for my downfall
for they have never understood
how the hand of a sinner could be held in Your Hand.
O Eli, they have never understood
why You and I are running anxiously
at each street corner awakening the dead,
why this collaboration?
And why am I sent at the crossroads of every city
to announce that Your Kingdom is at hand.
So what am I accused for?
Why am I feared and repelled?
O Eli, they treat me as the scum of the earth;
insult upon insult, calumny upon calumny,
not that I care for my own name and reputation,
but since I am guided by Your Holy Spirit,
it is Your Spirit they are blaspheming.
They are demolishing the Works of Your Spirit
and knocking down whatever bricks
have been reconstructing Your altars. 1
O Eli, ever so Compassionate,
why are You so far, at times, from me?
Look! Look at how I am struggling in this desert
and come and save me from those briars and thorns
surrounding me, choking and tearing upon me!
OPEN the way for me!
Am I to weep all day long for their deafness?
Am I not human,
so have I not the right to be weak,
have I not the right to be sorrowful now and then?
Has my heart not the right to fail me?
O Eli, for how long have we to wait until The Triumph?
For how long must we wait?
For how long yet will this Darkness last?
The Wounds of Your Son are unbelievably deep.
The Tears of Your Son and of Our Blessed Mother
have turned into Blood,
so for how long Eli are You going to stand this sight?
For how long are we to wait for this Triumph?
A conspiracy of traitors now
have penetrated in the Heart of Your Sanctuary
like vipers and adders, slithering in corridors
they are waiting to strike the Truth
and turn the Eternal Truth upside down and into Falsehood,
by erecting their Disastrous Abomination
in the heart of Your Sanctuary
to abolish the Perpetual Sacrifice of Your Son.
Eli! There is no Peace in Your House …..
And soon darkness will cover Your House
and like a widow in mourning, and bereft,
Your House will wear Her black veil.
So, are You still not going to intervene, Eli?
My Voice of Justice will be heard like a violent earthquake and these traitors will be struck on account of the evil done to My children whose innocent blood is shed as a sacrifice; I will avenge My House, but the world will have to reap still what it has harvested; I cannot forgive their guilt unless the world repents!
I am sending in the nest of those vipers what I dearly love, I am sending you, with My Word, into the depths of iniquity; I am delivering you as My mouthpiece to spread My Message; so dearly loved by Me, wherever you pass, I, the Lord, shall leave on your traces a roaring Fire to consume the hearts of stone, extirpating atheism; I shall make them fall in My Arms, the Arms of their God, ah, and it will be terrible to fall into My Arms, in a flash I shall turn them into appointed disciples, and I shall send them to defend My Word and take up My cause; daughter, as you have learned from Me, in this way I will teach the others too; I am now delivering among wolves what My Soul mostly delights in and dearly loves, to reveal My Holy Face;
repent! generation, your sins have dried up your soul, why die, generation? repent and you will live! repent, because there is not much time left now; the Destroyer will reveal himself in these coming days, entirely! oh Vassula! whom can I urge to hear and warn? whom am I to speak to and who will listen?
since everything is coming near the end now and the end is close, go and announce My Message even in every public square; go and widely publicise My Merciful calls; ….. the yeast of those exploiting My House is powerful so beware and keep your eyes open; understand why I am sending My Son and your Holy Mother to patrol the world in your days; this is My Blessing sweeping across the face of the whole world; so raise all of you your eyes and when you do, you will see Heaven wide open and gleaming in all its glory, the Ark of My Covenant, the symbol of My Presence among you, 2 the symbol of My Mercy and of My Salvation; the One who shows pity towards all of you;