November 13, 1991
Yahweh I love You. I adore You.
Yahweh, my celestial Love
I know you are with me.
Yahweh my Father and Abba,
tell Your so-Beloved Son
that my heart lives for Him only.
Tell Him that He is the Air I breathe, My Life.
Tell Him that my voice for His Sake
will be carried as far as I can,
to proclaim His Desires and His Fervent Love for us.
Tell Him, Father
that no one and nothing
will ever come between this love
I have for Him.
Tell Him that He is my Smile, my Joy and my Hope.
Tell my Redeemer how I long for Him
and how I pine away with love for Him day and night.
daughter, beloved of My Soul, did you not know? did you not know how My Spirit reposes on Nothingness? have you not heard how I delight revealing My entire Face to children? have you not read: «I have been found by those who did not seek Me and have revealed Myself to those who did not consult Me;» 1
— your Joy is your Maker,
— your Love is your Anointed One,
— your Torch is My Holy Spirit;
benefit, My child, from all the gifts I have given you and restore My House;
I happened to be taking a walk nearby a river when I saw a driftwood, 2 drifting away with the worldly current; I leaned over and picked it out of the stream, I brought it Home with Me and planted it in My Garden of Delights; from a dry piece of wood I made out of you a Tree; I said: «grow! grow and take root in My Garden, in My own Property; and from your blossoms exhale a perfume to appease My Justice;» I said: «crops of fruit shall sprout each month and your leaves will be the cure to many»; now and then I amuse Myself in pruning you; My delight is to see flowers in blossom and a constant growth in your fruit; alone, the Water3 from My Sanctuary4 can give you growth and Life;
I, Yahweh, will see to it that you prosper; I take pleasure in picking now and then on My way pieces of driftwood; 5 I can give life to anything I pick on My way;

(Later on:)
Vassula, peace be with you;
— if the earth will shake and wither under their very eyes it will be because they have transgressed My Law which is based on Love; they have violated all My Commandments; in spite of the multiple intercessions of your Holy Mother and in spite of My Warnings, from the time in Fatima to this epoch, none of My Warnings have been respected;
the hours are fleeing and a mighty host such as the world has never seen, nor will ever see again is at hand! few men will be left; how I shout to break through your deafness! a nation roaring like the roar of many waters will flood the world again, with fire and brimstone; I am rich in forgiving, but I hardly hear any cry of repentance;
oh men of little faith! men of arguments only!
write: all I hear, except from only a remnant, is: «why should we have to believe in messages? why should we fast since these are not from Him? why do penance since we are righteous? why should we believe this frenzied lot? do not listen for they retail visions and prophecies of their own»; I tell you truly, when that Day comes it would have been preferable you were never born! it takes only one man to blow a fire to produce any heat;
today again a man is among you living under the same skies who is ready to blow a Fire that can burn and melt all elements within a matter of seconds! the earth, like a garment will wear out; I had warned you, but you paid no heed; My suffering is great but how else am I to expel the merchants from within My Church? how am I to throw out the vipers from their nests inside My Sanctuary if I am not to come with Flame and a Blazing Fire? traders, merchants, the lot will be extirpated and this could be done only by Fire!
the sages will boast no more of their wisdom nor of their authority; the rich in spirit will be laid barren and naked and they will mourn; they will look for Me but where they look they will not find Me; they will invoke My Name again and again but I shall not hear them; I shall overthrow the lot;
be one with Me, My child; have My peace; I love you very much; Justice is at hand;

(Later on:)
lean on Me; I am with you, My child; ah My little child, carry for My sake your burden upon your shoulders; love Me, My child, and you shall live; evangelise with love for Love; accept all that comes from Me;
come, I and you, you and I, united in love; I love you so much, My Vassula, so much little one …
ecclesia will revive;