August 18, 1991

O Lord,
I am so troubled, to the point of death.
It is my Gethsemane today;
my soul is battered and distressed.
Satan has definitely made me a target to dash me to pieces.
Pitiless, he pierces me through and through.
I am the butt of my persecutors,
where then is my hope?

In My Sacred Heart, My dove; your cote is My Sacred Heart; turn to Me and My Spirit will console you; offer Me your troubles and I shall thrust them in My Heart, I shall make good use of them, I shall liberate souls from purgatory …. then forget your troubles of these days and rest in Me your God; I am an Ocean of Peace; give Me, daughter all your tribulations and My Peace shall annihilate them;

have My Peace, My lamb, — I love you; — I offer Peace; rest in Me; go now in Peace;