December 2, 1987
Garabandal’s Message is authentic and should be diffused and honoured; sanctify Garabandal; can you not see or understand that your errors are being repeated? you are repeating your errors of Fatima; O creation, when will you believe in Me? «ie emphanises itan»; 1
My God, to hear and feel You in such sadness is terrible.
Vassula, comfort Me;
Oh come Lord, I want to comfort You. I wish every soul knew so that they comfort You Lord and so You will be comforted by many.
if they love Me they do;
come, I will remind you that I, Jesus, will stand in the midst, between Cain and My Abel; Cain will face Me this time, instead of his brother; if he raises his hand to strike, he will have to strike Me; he will be stripped and will find himself naked facing Me, his God;
My Abel, My well-beloved Abel, 2 thou shalt live this time; your blood will not be shed; and My fragrance will embellish My garden, this very garden that My Abel’s blood was shed in; come, flower, I will remind you of My Presence, stay alert;