November 30, 2022
ah! My beloved one! peace be with you; listen and write: My Body has been hemorrhaging since the time of their division and you have been a witness to this; the lance’s blade is still in Me;
ah Lord! I have with Your help passed on Your Word to the Church leaders, the hierarchy, I passed on Your desires as well asking them that they may all be one; I have made Your messages known to the chosen souls You sent me, and they became collaborators of Your Divine Work of Salvation;
Your calls on Unity and having one date in Easter was also passed on to them several times to end Your Body from hemorrhaging from the lance’s blade;
My Vassula, all of your sacrifices and prayers to end up this division are being cultivated; you journeyed with My chosen souls through parched lands, who then would venture to say, ‘what have they done?’ I, who care for everything I created, summoned always My people with great lenience, so I am not ready to destroy what I created because My Imperishable Spirit is in them all; I will continue to keep reminding them of how they have sinned in their division, so that they may open in the end their hearts and put their trust in Me to accomplish My desires;
however, a great blaze is soon to come as foretold to wipe away the rest of man’s wickedness who still keep denying to return to Me, they deny to confess their guilt and repent, refusing to welcome Me in their heart; despising My last warnings, despising and denying My Hand that is stretched out to them to lift them from the mire of sin they are in; since they prefer darkness than light, they will remain clamped to the spot in this den and will suffer the inevitable fate, chained in darkness; you must understand My sorrow and how their fate wounds Me when this will happen; the virtuous too will feel the agony of those souls;
many warnings have rained down, yet in their pride these souls have ignored them; some because of their incredulity when I speak and others because of their complacency on My Work; 1
Lord, I have heard them say: ‘we do not need to read and know about the messages and what they are about, we suffice with what You have already given us in Scriptures; it is not compulsory to read them, so they say; this behavior reminds me of Fatima’s message that was not distributed urgently out and the world paid it with blood with the 2nd World War as prophesied by our Lady of Fatima;
yes! now, dust and ashes today, have they taken over to counsel Me when to speak? how much more blood have you poured over My Church with negligence?
I have delivered to you what I dearly love, removed her from her own, tiring her with journeying to bring over to you all My Sacred Work, but so many of you have been challenging Me, rebelliously disregarding My Work with tongues so glib; have you not read, ‘the Word of Yahweh is integrity itself?’ 2 indeed, the complacency of fools are leading them to their own ruin when they should have turned their ear instead to Wisdom;
this is My Sacred Script to mankind!
you may compare it to a tree that I planted in the midst of every population near streams, with rich and abundant fruit; its leaves medicinal that never wither; so, no one is to say: “cut down this tree that disturbs our surroundings, cut down and burn its branches and beware! do not eat its fruit!” — how blessed are those who eat its fruit they will receive unbounded joy in My Presence!
this generation is sinking in a swamp and already many are being swallowed in the deep, can your generation still boast over their knowledge? I have said in the past that Ambassadors will come from Egypt to sing to you My Word that will shed upon you Light and Peace; at this, the vault of Heaven will lean upon you and will proclaim My Divine Work reaching the ends of this world; but many still have not understood…
now come and feed upon My Word: tell My people to yearn to come and dwell in My House, there they will enjoy My Presence and My Sweetness, and they will see My Goodness and they will love to rest in the Beauty of My House in which My Glory dwells;
I am bound to You my God with no regret,
I know that Your Love is unconditional, and You give freely Your blessings,
yet let me pay You the debt for saving my life
and having allowed me to lean on You, who are leading me step by step
in the Light of the living; so, do not remain silent
lest I fall into oblivion again! use me as You wish!
I am not deaf to your pleas, remember I am known to be the All Faithful! I shall never abandon you, Love loves you, go in peace… ic