June 19, 1990

My Jesus?

I am;

peace be with you; honour Me by imitating Me, glorify Me by loving Me, sanctify your body, since I live in you, by eating Me and by drinking Me; adore Me, thirst for Me, repair for those who do not love Me and are blinded by their intellect and who cannot tell their right hand from their left; pray that they may realise that they need perception so as to not deviate, like many of them do now, from My Words; pray that they may understand that what I want from these wise men is adoration, I want them to come and do Me homage like the first shepherds and like the Magi;

I know that I have in My Hands a mere child; do not fear, do I not know where I am sending you? I have brought you up to be My bearer, to witness for the Truth; pupil, you are My Own and from My Mouth you have learned; take your Master’s Hand and allow Me to guide you where I wish you to be; lean on Me when you are weary and discouraged, My child, and I shall comfort you; ah Vassula, every time you feel wretched My Heart becomes a Burning Furnace of Love, ready to consume you; listen: rejoice! for what greater than receiving the gift of My Love?

understand, My child, that I am He who loves you most and forever will;

Lord all Merciful, we have deviated from Your Path, yet You never stopped acting towards us with mercy and with great love; today I call on You Lord: do not desert us in the days of ordeal, save us from destruction, deliver us from evil, unite us in Your Love and Peace!

I give you My Peace and My Love, My child;

ecclesia shall revive in spite of all the tribulations she is undergoing; My Church will be one and holy and My People shall speak one language; all these things shall soon take place; Vassula, I shall raise again My Church out of My Everlasting Love and Mercy, I am going to give you all back your vineyards and make out of this valley of death a gateway of Hope, and you shall all respond to Me as once before; as you did when you were young and pure;

you have rejected Knowledge for quite some time now, offering Me sacrifices that never reached Me, but in My Mercy I shall say to each valley of death: rise! let every dark valley be filled with My Word, every mountain and hill be laid low to pasture and let everyone who has been branded on the forehead with the Sigh of My Love, come forward and eat from the Tree of Life;

today, I am giving everyone a chance to hear plainly My Voice from My Holy dwelling place, My Voice sounds like an echo from Jerusalem and reaches all the inhabitants of the earth; no one can say later on that I have not been warning you; from nation to nation I let My Spirit blow, I am sending you all My servants, the prophets, so persistently to remind you who is your Father and to turn you away from your evil doings and amend your actions;

I come to stop you from idolising theories that are godless; I am sending My messengers to you to remind you of My precepts and to remind you to live holy as I am Holy so that you will all be worthy to face Me on the Day of My Return;

My daughter, be My incense, I shall always feed you;

Lord, I have so many things to tell You!


— Yes! To start with I’m not worthy of anything You have given me.

I know, but I give Wisdom to the poor and simple; let My Love envelop you; come, never forget My Presence;

Good Spirit guide us
on to level ground,
Yahweh, for the sake of Your Name,
keep Your Promise to save us,
amen. 1