October 17, 1991

(Message given to the ‘reapers’ God selected in the United States to print this book.)

I give you all My Peace and bless you; I am with you to uphold your work in My Name and which I have blessed, for this is the work assigned to you all to glorify Me,

— in time of famine I came —

to fill your mouths with My Celestial Manna so that you will not perish; I will never desert you; Love will return as Love;

(And Our Blessed Mother also gives them a message.)

ecclesia will revive; glory be to God; I am the Queen of Heaven, your Mother, and I bless you; pray for peace, pray for faith, love and unity; pray for the conversion of all My children; I want everybody to be saved; God’s works of Light cannot be hidden forever,1 this is why I have chosen you to be God’s reapers;

I love you all with a great love and I thank you for dedicating the Lord’s Books to Me; 2 have faith, little ones, the Lord is with you, follow Him; be confident for I am with you; come;

1 That is because of the many obstacles Satan had put to stop the Messages of the Sacred Heart from spreading.
2 The group who printed the English Books, dedicated one of them to our Blessed Mother.