September 14, 1992
I Am; little do you know how much I prayed for you to the Father, let alone your Holy Mother!
My Eyes stream with Tears daily because of the crimes of this world …. My Eyes are worn out looking for generous souls; My Heart is troubled and My Whole Being shudders with pain to the point that I refrain to look down on this generation’s sins lest My Cup brims over;
I have made a New Hymn of Love1 to sing to you and reach each heart from the heavens to save you and remind you of My Eternal Love I have for each one of you; I have spoken from above, not to impose My rules on you, but propose to you an alliance of Peace and Love to lead you all under My Wings and unite you; I proposed to wed you …. but how many of you understood what I had been saying? have you really understood what the Spouse had offered you? explain then to Me why every time I speak of reconciliation you turn your eyes away from Me ….
— I was a stranger and you did not welcome Me, I was at your door knocking and you did not hear Me; though I have spoken the Truth, your tongue never ceased to tell foul lies about Me, judging Me and condemning Me; I have come to teach you good sense and remind you of My Knowledge, Leadership and Service, but you mocked Me and jeered at Me; I visited you with Love and Tenderness, with a yearning to unite you all in My Heart and teach you all over again the rules of My primitive Church, but you allowed your own rules to invade your spirit, throwing Me out of your heart;
you will ask: «when have I done all these things to you, Lord?» I tell you, you have done them already to Me; you judged Me prematurely and allowed your lips to condemn Me, for what you have done to My envoys you have done it to Me; you profaned their name, thinking you were doing Me a favour, but in reality you were profaning My Name; how can you still say: «Your Word, My Lord, is a Lamp to my feet, a Light on my path,» when you have not received My Word nor reconciled with your brother?
with great Love and Tenderness, Our Two Hearts, in these last days, have been out2 teaching you all over again that prayer, love and humility are the KEYS to your salvation, but how many of you have really penetrated this Truth? your heart is the gateway through which I can enter to heal you and guide you in My Path;
have you really treasured Our Words in your heart or are you still out for war? you cannot hide from Me nor can you say I have deprived you of the Truth; explain then to Me, if you claim you are in the Truth, your division …. open your eyes, My friend! open your heart, not your mind! I tell you again:
there is not a good man left, no, not one really, there is not one who understands; since all of you are under sin’s dominion, not one who looks for Me; all have turned aside, tainted all alike and yet many of you claim to be in the Light; I tell you, so long as you remain divided you are still in the dark; so long as you rejoice in your division, you are still not knowing where you are going because it is too dark to see;
I have come to you to offer you a free Gift: the Gift of My Love, but Love again was misunderstood, rejected and alien in your heart; in spite of all My Pleas to reconcile you and unite you, you go on sinning; how can I forgive your sins when you are repeatedly repressing My Words? you hear My Voice but you no longer recognise It; unless you allow Me to uproot all that is not Me in your heart, you will never see how today My Holy Spirit seeks in you more than any time: reconciliation and unity;
I have shown you how to unite;
unity will be in your heart; reconciliation will be in the heart and not by a signed treaty! how can any man claim he is just when your countries are at war and aflame! learn that My Sacred Heart seeks from you:
charity, generosity, prayer,
and a spirit of reconciliation,
and to love one another as I love you;
will I hear from you, your cry of surrender and of repentance?