In this landmark book, author Vassula Rydén, a Greek Orthodox, revisits her remarkable journeys into the supernatural world, and recounts the critical Messages she has received for our modern world. Vassula’s journeys reveal profoundly important answers to many of today’s most pressing questions, as well as those that humankind has been asking since time immemorial.
- Heaven, hell, and the in between
- The supernatural world of God and His angels, and of Satan and his demons
- How God sees our modern world
- God’s offer of Love and redemption
- What is in store for our world, based on our response to God’s call
The Book
Imagine if you could peel the fabric separating our world of humans from the world of God. What would you see and hear? What might be revealed? What would you do with what you learned?
Vassula Rydén, in her book, Heaven Is Real But So Is Hell: An Eyewitness Account of What is to Come shares prophetic messages foretelling events to come and what is meant by the “End of Times.” Through divine locutions, Vassula has received messages from God, in which He warns a time of trial and judgment is near, yet offers us His Love and salvation, before it’s too late.
Vassula explains how God is calling us: “In the midst of our modern culture, which continues to turn its back on God, the Lord is offering us a solution to lead millions back to Him before it is too late. God’s love knows no bounds. He hears and answers our prayers! How can we hear His divine Hymn of Love? How can we rekindle the fire of faith?I believe this book is one of the answers. Heaven Is Real, will attract believers and non-believers alike. I have written detailed descriptions of Heaven and hell, gripping stories of God’s Mercy, His obvious signs and wonders, and most importantly, God’s personal invitation to accept His mercy before His justice arrives. Please read this book and send copies of it to your friends, family and co-workers, and to others who need to know of God’s love and His plans for our generation.”
“Whether you’re a person of faith, or no faith, you’ll be blown away by this book. It may be the most important book you read.”
S. Annunziata – New York, NY
EXCERPT FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE BOOK:I’ve been called to see the supernatural… If you met me on the street, you would never suspect this. I look and act much like everyone else. I’m not a nun or a recluse or a gypsy fortune-teller. I’m just like you, yet I’m invited to see in visions a world – a dimension – far beyond you and me.
It’s an invisible world that surrounds us – a world of Angels and demons, and powers and forces that affect every moment of our lives. I see that world, and seeing it changes the way I see our material world. It helps me grasp the hidden meaning behind so many unanswered questions in our lives.
- Where do people go when they die?
- Is there a Heaven and a Hell, and anything in between?
- Do demons or evil spirits exist, or are they just a myth?
- Does everything happen for a reason?
- If God is good, why does He allow us to suffer?
- Can dreams or premonitions tell us the future?
- Are we living in the last days?
- Will there be, in the end, any divine justice?
Unending questions about life and death, and what we are all doing here. The answers to many of these questions can only be discovered by seeing them from a different perspective – like turning over the backside of a tapestry to see how all the tangled threads create an elegant image.
And from my earliest days, experiences were given to me by God, not only to enable me to see from that perspective, but for His own reasons as well.
This is a story of amazing, incredible experiences and encounters with the Divine – with God – and what they mean to me, to you, and to the whole world.