Bishop Georges Kahhale

Monsignor Georges Kahhale Zouhairaty, Bishop – Exarca & Apostolico of the Greek – Melkite Catholics of Venezuela

 Bishop Georges Kahale  
Presiding at a Divine Liturgy at the 2005 TLIG Ecumenical Pilgrimage  

„With her openness and relationships, on an international level, Vassula has created, through prayer and “True Life in God”, an ecumenical relationship and solid bases for the interreligious dialogue of the XXI Century for human unity.”

The original testimony was written in Spanish and reads:

„Con su apertura y relaciones a nivel internacional Vassula ha hecho a través de la oración y la ‘Verdadera Vida en Dios’ una relación ecuménica y sólidas bases para el diálogo interreligioso del siglo XXI para la unidad humana”