Archbishop Jeremiah /FERENS/
Archbishop of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in South America
Curitiba, January 17th, 2006
Glorification of the 70 Apostles
Testimony of the True Life in God
„May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of our God Father and the Communion with the Holy Spirit, stay among us forever!”
In this third Millenium of the Christian era, the world experiences the Apocalypse reality predicted by God in the Holy Writ. The transformation of Nature, the violence, terrorism, wars, conflicts, hatred, misery and the loss of the human dignity created in the image and likeness of God, day by day worries and terrifies the human being. The man distant from his Creator lives unsafe and fearful. God speaks to the humanity through His prophets and through His Own Son Jesus Christ, and the man, instead of hearing the Divine Message, follows his ambitions.
The movement of „True Life in God” created by Mrs Vassula, is calling the attention of the world and arousing the curiosity among the Christians of many religious organizations. Thousands of people from different places in the world are honoured … graced with the Grace of God, after reading the messages transmitted by Mrs Vassula, and the biggest blessing to the human being is the grace of conversion. Constantly God is calling us to repentance and conversion, so that the enemy of our souls does not destroy us, we , that are created in the image and likeness of God.
In the „True Life in God” there are many people that, like the prodigal son, come back to the home of the Father.
The Ecumenical Pilgrimage of the „True Life in God” that took place last May, 2005, in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria was an explicit testimony of the Christian Unity, where the purpose was our unity with Jesus Christ. We have experienced unforgettable moments feeling the touch and lead by the Grace of God .
I pray God and beg Our Father to Bless and Protect Mrs Vassula, so that always she has strength, courage, discernment and Divine Illumination to perform this noble and hard mission with integrity.
With the Apostolic Blessing,
+ Archbishop Jeremiah /FERENS/
Archbishop of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in South America