About 1,500 people: Catholics, Orthodox, and Evangelical Christians attended the rally „United in Christ” at the Namur Expo, where Vassula was one of the speakers. The gathering took place on the weekend of April 2nd 2011

April 1: Arriving at the Brussels airport

Received by friends with flowers toshow the joy of hearts
Upon arrival at the hotel, everyone was waiting for a dinner with speakers and organizers followed by a short prayer.

April 2nd & 3rd

The day begins with songs of praise to the Lord to express the longing to be gathered together in the name of JESUS CHRIST.

Gathered together in the name of CHRIST

Various speakers will follow in the gallery:

The Archbishop JERSEY Joseph from Byzantines Greek Catholics church in Jerusalem spoke about seeing this crowd happy:

“….You remind me of David dancing before the ark of the covenant ….”

The Archbishop JERSEY Joseph from Byzantines Greek Catholics church in Jerusalem spoke about seeing this crowd happy
Happily raising hands in prayer

And he continues: “Let me remind the gesture so much of His Holiness Pope Paul VI, in 14 December 1975, welcoming in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican delegation from the Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios I SS. To the surprise of the whole congregation, the holy Pope Paul VI knelt before the head of the Orthodox delegation, Metropolitan Meliton of Chalcedon, bowed to the ground and in the folds of the ornaments of Metropolitan sought his right shoe which he kissed.Following this gesture Patriarch DimitriosI said: „It is not possible for a man, whether Christian or not, much less ourselves, as the ecumenical patriarch, does not appreciate,

And deeply witness a spontaneous gesture, unprecedented in the history of the Church, of His Holiness Pope Paul VI of Rome, . who bowed and kissed the feet of our envoy, who at that time represented the entire Orthodoxy.”

Christian Unity can only be achieved as a result of true humility, which takes its roots in a deep conversion, and a real repentance from all of us without exception. We begin this endeavor with the leaders of different churches, by our first prostrating before the Holy Spirit of God whom we have grieved (Eph 4, 30) by our many sins. We need to cry and plead with broken hearts, hurt and repentant, asking God to have mercy on us and hear our humble prayer which takes place within us that asks for the unity which our Lord Jesus Christ wants from us (Jn 17).

Yes, we want the unity of all Christians, not so that we could be a greater force against our other human brothers, but to increases in us our love for God and our brothers and sisters. Through this Unity we can make a living witness to Christ and his Gospel of the salvation in this world that today is deeply troubled.

Yes, by their faith, wisdom, unity and commitment, Christians today can conquer the forces of darkness that surround them and threaten them, especially in the East where we live. Through their unity, their faith and love, Christians can liberate humanity from violence, injustice and idolatry. Love can then spread into the hearts of all men, as well as justice and peace among all peoples and all nations of the earth.

This beautiful speech on Unity was followed by speeches from Vassula on the necessity of our personal conversion and humility, the key for unity: Jesus said of the unconverted: “groan daughter for the unrepentant.” But then He gives us hope and says: “I will redress My people and refresh your priests. I will restore My altars and rebuild My cities. I have to discipline first the lawless who are champions when it comes to villainy. They swallow apostasy as though they were eating the Bread of Life. Even today, were they to repent I would show My favourf and My pardon graciously to them.” (8.2.95)

… God [the Father] is calling us to contemplate Him, drawing us into a life of constant contemplation of Him. In heaven we will have an everlasting contemplation of God, but God gives us the opportunity for sanctification here and now, by allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. We therefore can advance, the Lord says, from ascent to ascent by an inward conformity to the likeness of Christ.

Vassula speaking about unity

This is why our Lord has given us in such an easy way His instructions through the True Life in God messages, so that they may be reachable and understandable to everyone.

Jesus said: “I have given you instructions of Byzantine lectures to reach the highest contemplation, to reach Me… vagueness and rigid formulations are not My ways of teaching, but My theology is based on Truth and on Divine Love, this is My theology.” (9.4.04)

The true theology is the contemplation of God. (cf. 15.10.98; 12.02.00; 01.06.02)

… Therefore, in the messages of True Life in God, we read a constant call from God to lead our soul into perfection and to be the holy abode of God without blemish. We are all called to reach a divine state of perfect love. We are called to obtain the legacy of being the sons and daughters of the Most High. We are constantly called to Him so that He draws us into deification.

… If one asks, how would we know it is truly He who speaks in the messages of True Life in God? The answer is: by the signs of the supernatural.

Some will ask? What is supernatural?

Supernatural is when God sends spiritual graces of e.g. repentance, thanksgiving, etc. to the deepest depths of one’s spirit, causing radical changes in a second. All working of grace is supernatural. Grace is always sent directly from God. God transforms our lives and turns them into an unceasing prayer. One can tell this: by finding the joy and peace our soul was searching for, by experiencing the tranquility in which He puts our soul to rest, by having the thirst for God within our soul, by attaining the eagerness for reading the Scriptures by experiencing the amorous delights and consolations He infuses into our soul, and by having the desire to serve Him and neighbor and by feeling the love we have for God and neighbor.

Vassula ended her first speech by asking:

How are we to recognize the traps of the devil? Light and darkness have nothing in common…

In a message the Lord says how to discern evil from good: “Stay vigilant”, He says, “and you will always be able to tell and know the difference; be prudent and ask Me to guide you. May everyone listen to My advice. Be alert; My enemy is like a wild beast which has been injured, thus becoming wilder and more dangerous.” (8.6.90)

(Author of the book “Comme Marie” (2010) )

It’s Carlos Payan!!

… Each one of us must die to ourselves, and as we are the church, so each of us must die to oneself; humility comes before honor, and it is in humility that we see Christ in each other…

“… Mary is a Figure , an example to follow. The scene that touched me the most is when Mary said „Yes let it be to me according to your word…”


„A sword will pierce your soul” Do ourselves, let the Lord’s words pierce your heart? Marie is only passing back into her heart the words she hears from Jesus because Jesus is her Love. ”

And now the Bishop Mgr Isidore Battikha of the Greek Catholic Church in Lebanon ringing his remarkable voice on Unity

Bishop Mgr Isidore Battikha and his remarkable voice on Unity

The Lord called me to Namur to experience a living Church, a Christ incarnate in each one of you, and it gave me great strength.

The Glory is in the Unity, the healing is in the conversion, , the Conversion into tears, tears of sadness, tears of encounters with the Risen …

We must seek the hand of God in our life, Jesus in our life, then we must say, “Jesus we go, we leave, we go down we go up……”

… Christians are wondering why should we continue in this way, not ours, and why should we not return to the path, true and just, that our Lord had told us in His Gospel? The path for which our Lord addressed to the Father, explicitly, a prayer: May they be One Why do we continue to live today the conflicts that have no excuse for existence except that of the habit of the acquis and the traditional?

An orchestra supported the songs sung with arms raised to heaven.

„Get the worship, you are the king of glory, our victory. Worthy are you, Lord Emmanuel … „

Father Roger Paulin, a priest from Albi preached the Word.

I’m here to pray for the healing of the church, the members of the Body of Christ and for the Unity that the Lord wishes.

… How can we be united without asking forgiveness from one another, so that our wounds and our prides are healed….

Vassula’s second presentation on unity

…The [struggle for the} unification of the dates of Easter should become a priority in our agenda, ; for our Lord promised that by unifying the dates of Easter, He will bring complete unity.

…When there are disagreements between the shepherds, Christ’s Mystical Body suffers. By remaining divided not only do they contradict the Gospel, making it appear as a means of division, but we become a scandal to the rest of the world, let alone in God’s Eyes…

In a message the Lord said, “Deep in my Body I have the lance’s point penetrating My Heart, it is there always. I want the lance removed. Glorify my Body in establishing peace, unity and love. Remove the thorns that penetrated in My Head. Will you do this for Me? I will be before you always, heal My Body, soothe it. My five wounds are wide open, see? Love Me, adorn Me, embellish Me, remind them of the first Christians who love Me more than their own life.” (30.6.87)

Jesus made me understand that the Lance represents our division. The thorns are those who persecute with slander and calumny; the ones who have lost the sense of the supernatural and persecute all God’s Works in our times.

Christ said in the messages of True Life in God:

“My suffering is great because of your division, the division of My Church, this same Church I have bought with My Own Blood. Ah… who is the generous soul that will be first to unify the dates of Easter? (…) Be one under My Holy Name.” (26.9.99)

The weekend ended with a Eucharistic celebration