The following messages are published for the first time – July 2015
All the messages received by Vassula since 2003, but previously unpublished, are being sent out at regular intervals. The newly published messages are being published on the True Life in God website at:
December 27, 2011
Lord, deliver us from evil this coming year and let Your Kingdom come and Your Reign encompass us;
O Vassula! My Peace I give to you; I am known to have done great things, so trust Me; never fail to pronounce everything I have given you; be patient with your persecutors and ah! what I had said then to My Father in Heaven is so very relevant for your times as well; I had reproached the towns in which I performed so many miracles and yet were not disposed to repent; you wonder why the clergy mistrust you and cannot see that these messages are My Work of Mercy, of who some even take pleasure to condemn you without a trial? You ask, why are they not given the grace to believe, well, as I said then I say it today: „I bless You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the wise and revealing them to mere children; yes, Father, for that is what pleased You to do;”
the very jackals give the breast, and suckle their young: but the daughters of My people have grown cruel, like the ostriches of the desert1; as for the young men, their faces are dark with sin;
Vassula, listen and write: they plotted against you, and hunted you, but every wicked action, every slander they used against you will fall on their head; trust Me, stand your ground and hope in Me; you are not alone, I Am with you!
I have favoured you amongst many, to speak in My Name; kindness is upon you, and I encircled your head with a wreath of courage, of hope and of fidelity; see, I made you a witness to this evil generation, and Cyprus will grow in My Name and the wind will carry My Words far and wide; gather nations, peoples of all kinds and let them hear My messages; many more will come assembling and coming to hear My messages; see?
My Vassula, I will continue to gather My flock and as for you: Love loves you, stand in My Light, and put your hope in Me; ic
1 1 Lam. 4:3
February 3, 2012
Most gracious Lord, bring us to repentance, or else our spirit will die;1
peace to you My child; My Eyes, Vassula, penetrate into the darkness of each soul; I suffer with thirst for souls;
Vassula, the world today will try to take away your (plural) freedom; today the world scorns all that is Holy, some 2 claim to have absolute knowledge of My Divinity, but the things they are drawn to are nothing but a denial of Me; I was calling, but they denied and still deny that I am calling; the leaders of your country are killing and stealing the bread from the children’s mouth; they charge your nation and assault it as they please; from every side they will rob you of the fruit of your labours;
(allow Me to speak,) …the people of your country have taken the wrong path;
you are a land that I have blessed, but you have neglected to praise Me and extol Me; your shepherds who know nothing go their own way, each after their own interest neglecting My fold, and silencing My Voice; they are following the way of this world; immersed in the passions of this world without hope and without Me, your God;
My Word is something alive and active; it cuts like any double-edged sword but more finely;3 and yet in their night they failed to believe that I have blessed you with spiritual graces; I have been calling every soul to renew their mind by a spiritual revolution, so that they live in Me and I in them, but they failed to hear Me; I was calling them to give up their old way of life, but they gave their heart to their money saying: „with this I am self-sufficient;” and they have put Me out of their mind day after day;
I have within Me both Mercy and Wrath; so look at the generations of old and see: they extolled Me and honoured Me; these were an example of loyalty and gentleness, who glorified Me;
have you not read: „woe to the listless heart that has no faith, for such will have no protection, woe to you who have lost the will to endure; what will you do at the Lord’s visitation?” 4
in these days I mean to purge the lands of their apostasy, their passions and their sins that are lying now like hot coal on their heads bearing the weight of their sins; and now I am telling you: My Word will come true as in the past when I had forewarned you about your apostatized nations that the towers would crumble down and the waves of the seas will bring destruction shaking the earth out of its axis; these were to be Signs for all of you, for when they happen you would know that I, God, have spoken;
during these End of Times, My Spirit will be poured on all humanity, even on those who scorned My Words in this Message, making fun of My Promise;
as I said: My Word is alive and out of My Word, the same Word, I formed the earth, and I tell you, I will purge this earth by flame and sorrow; when angels sinned I did not spare them; My Day will come upon you in an unexpected time; I will silence the fools; then from thereon you will live in My Will; the nations will see Me with different eyes; love and justice will reign once more, and violence will be heard no more;
today I am feeding My lambs in this way, and My Spirit is bringing spiritual food to the poor, to bind up hearts that are broken and remind them once more that – the Heart of the Lord is all forgiveness, all love and tenderness; – a Heart that can array you with His Glory, a Heart in which you can find comfort; I bring salvation, to every open heart; and if today I reproached you, it is because of the greatness of the Love I have for you; My Heart is bleeding with sorrow to see this hour of darkness upon you, thrown in the mud of your sin; I will rescue you, only if you repent and return to Me; ic
1 I was thinking of Greece and all the sufferings not only of our nation but of the whole world of today
2 some of the clergy
3 Heb:4:12
4 Si 2:13-14