As part of Unity week here is a second meditation for new and old readers of True Life in God. Vassula delivered this speech in the Holy Land in 1998. It was for the international TLIG pilgrimage. On this pilgrimage we had clergy from many denominations and participants from over thirty countries. This powerful speech gets to the very heart of the meaning and import of Unity. At the same time it reminds all of us exactly where we are going and brings immense refreshment and hope!!! A friend of mine once said if something is worth reading once it is worth reading many times. This definitely holds true for the talk below!

Unity from the Heart

by Vassula
Holy Land Pilgrimage 1998

Unity will come in the conversion of our heart; that means by our love and our faith. It is not a matter of a signed treaty and it will not come either by the mighty who are fragmented; unity will come and will be lived by those who would have allowed the Holy Spirit to touch them in their poverty and be their Light. Unity will come when we use the two keys our Lord is offering us, which are: humility and love. If we use these two keys, unity will triumph over our division which is a sin. Unity will come when we truly begin to love Jesus Christ. Unity will come when we will die to ourselves. Unity will come when we lower our voices to hear Christ’s voice and thus do His Will. Unity will come when we lower our heads and allow Christ’s Head to be seen. Unity will come when we will start looking after Christ’s Interests and not ours.

„Today there is a division in My Church as never before; like Cain and Abel, brothers, yet unlike one from the other; one blood, yet different; one was sincere, the other one not, one was well disposed, the other one was ill-disposed and displeasing Me…” to read more click here