Vassula has prepared the following guidelines for anyone who wishes to open a TLIG center. The document can be downloaded as a PDF file>>
On October 27, 1987, Jesus shouted: „orthodox! catholics! protestants! you all belong to Me! you are all One in My Eyes! I do not make any distinction, so then why fear?”
What is expected from a TLIG center.
There were a few people worldwide who were getting very interested in establishing a TLIG center in their area. We should not forget that the TLIG Messages are a strong call to repentance, reconciliation, and unity between the Churches. Therefore, these centers will be ecumenical in nature, with an ecumenical foundation and function, and open to all Church denominations. The centers will be rooted in the desires of Jesus Christ without betraying His desire that all Churches should bend in humility and love in order to be able to unite.
The Main Center (Headquarters), regardless of its size or place in the world in which it will be established, will be designated as the Center to contain in a vault the original notebooks that contain the TLIG handwritten Messages. Any center, main or otherwise, whether it be in a countryside or town, does not necessarily need to have a guest house, but if they have the possibility to have one no one can say no.
Here are but a few points that all centers should observe:
A Library
All centers must have a space for a library, which will contain all the TLIG books in their respective language and in English, as well as the booklets. This permits anybody to then enter that library, pull out a book and read it. It’ll be nice to have small tables, chairs and a stand with coffee if the space allows it.
The Library of the Main Center will contain the original handwritten notebooks of the Messages in a vault. It will be wise to have the library dehumidified continually to avoid the damage of the books. It will also have all the TLIG Messages in all languages. It will contain all the archives and all the original newspapers and magazines that contain information about TLIG, e.g., all the videos, DVDs, CDs, audios, etc.
An Exhibition Room for the Main Center
Only the Main Center will have a space for all the trophies I received, gifts, icons, statues, etc. The items of value should be in closed glass stands. This will be like a show room, with one of the original notebooks under the glass cover. It will have the original canvases of my paintings as well.
A Hall
A hall is needed for all centers, preferably containing chairs, a microphone, a stand and a table for retreat talks and prayers.
The Retreats
The retreats at any of the TLIG centers will follow the same pattern of all the TLIG retreats we have been doing all these years – nothing new. The spirituality will be based on the TLIG Messages and nothing else. However, the only time other authors or spiritual sources may be referenced, is when one wishes to explain or deepen the understanding of a TLIG Message, and without diverting from the TLIG theme. The spirituality of TLIG contains an incredible spiritual wealth of knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures in their depth. This approach has been very effective and borne much fruit in all our past TLIG retreats.
As in any other TLIG retreat there will be prayers, e.g., the Rosary, healing prayers, adoration, and confessions. I advise that no one be granted permission to enter into or draw others into political discussions or other debates, as these will give rise only to conflicts of contradictory opinions that distract one from and cause the loss of the essence and purpose of the retreat.
Daily Mass will be held either in a Chapel, if there is one that may accommodate all, or in the hall. Groups that arrive for retreats are almost always accompanied by a priest or two, or even more. And some of the priests might be from other Christian rites, e.g., Maronites, Melkites, Ethiopians, Orthodox, Lutherans, Anglicans, Syriacs, etc.
It is recommended that anyone who wishes to establish a TLIG center should work in unity with others as much as possible, so long as these are willing to follow the above schedule. No one should impose his/her own rules or ideas on any of the TLIG centers, lording over them, but will be willing to follow faithfully the simple schedule mentioned above. My gratitude to all volunteers who are willing to follow this schedule and to collaborate.
In Christ,