Testimonies 12c (Vassula experiences the Passion)
23 September 1998 07:30
This is the third and final testimony relating to Vassula’s experiencing of the Passion of Jesus while in Puerto Rico.
I am a Puerto Rican, 24 years of age and an engineer student in Manhattan College in New York City. I came to Puerto Rico just to listen to the messages of Vassula Ryden.
On Friday, February 11, 1994 I experienced a new and an unforgettable event. I would like to give my testimony.
Everything started around 1:00 pm when Vassula said „I do not feel well, let’s go to the house”. We stood up from the table and started walking to the car. Vassula looked so tired that she could hardly walk to the car, so I tried to help her to get to the car.
From the restaurant’s table to the car she fell down once, I
tried to lift her up, with Father O’Carroll’s and Gogui’s help, and I
realized that she was kind of heavy.
During the ride from the restaurant to the house she was like in ecstasy. She moved just one or twice making noises as if she was suffering inside her. All the others in the car: Father O’Carroll, Gogui and myself were praying all the time.
As soon as we got to the house, Father O’Carrol and myself
tried to bring her out of the car. It was almost impossible. She
was so heavy that Father O’ Carroll and I could not lift her up,
therefore three other people helped us bring her out of the car and take her to a bedroom.
I remembered that she fell down one more time when we were carrying her from the car to the bedroom and the only thing that came into my mind was: „God please help me, I am the only young man here between three women and an older man.” At that time I knew that I was not carrying Vassula’s body only; I felt it was Jesus Body.
Finally we lay her down on the bed and suddenly she stretched her arms and crossed her legs as Jesus in the crucifix. After a few minutes she fell down again to the floor and took the same position as the „Crucified Jesus”.
After some time she raised her right arm and started blessing everybody in the room. I was the only one that did nor lower my head, so she touched me and made the cross on my face with two of her fingers. For the second time she turned her face to look for me and tried to bless me again. I could not get hold of myself, so I kneeled and she blessed me.
I closed my eyes and started to cry and to pray. I could not believe in that moment what I was experiencing.
When I opened my eyes I saw Vassula levitating, holding all her body just with the tip of her feet and the top of her head. She had both arms stretched. She was some 4 inches from the floor for about 4 to 5 minutes. She gave a message and it was written.
All the Passion experience took about two hours: from 1:00pm to 3.00pm in the afternoon.
Radames A. Arroyo
February 16, 1994