Evangelizing testimony (B)

24 April 1999 09:42

Anthippie Dimozantos ( [email protected] ) here gives her experiences of diffusing the Messages of True Life in God in Holland.

The start is always very difficult, but once you get over that it gets easier. The main thing is to reach the people, and you can do it in this way.

First, set a date and place where you want to hold the gathering. Then ask your friends who believe in these Messages to invite their friends who do not believe, and they in turn can invite other friends to join them. All the members of your prayer group can participate in inviting people. You can extend it by placing an add in the local newspaper – a brief advertisement about Vassula and the Messages, stating that all are welcome to view a video of Vassula witnessing these Messages.

We started with a small group, only friends of friends. And it was successful! The room was set with nice icons of Jesus and Mary, and with flowers. We had a table with all the books available for sale. We began with a short introduction about Vassula and how it all started.

The first meeting included about 60 or 70 people. We showed the video and all watched with interest. When it was finished they bought books, talked with each other and us, and had coffee. It was very pleasant. The next Sunday, some people who never went to confession went for the 1st time – they were queuing to confess because Vassula spoke about this in the video. This is, of course, for those who have faith. Some people were touched by the Messages but were silent.

After this, we were invited to another town in Hoorn. There were many people and it was quite successful. And as a result, we have been invited to go to Rotterdam and Purmerand.

As you see we, do nothing special. We invite the people and we show a video of Vassula, and have books for sale.

One member of our prayer group wanted to do the same in her home town

and she chose the anniversary of her husband’s death – April 20 – but
then she was frightened. She asked Jesus what she had to do. She
opened the Bible and received this answer: „In the presence of God

and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and kingdom, I solemnly urge you: proclaim the message; be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable; convince, rebuke and encourage, with the utmost patience in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander away to myths. As for you, always be sober, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, carry out your ministry fully”. (2 Tim. 4: 1-5).

This applies to all of us. Jesus gave this message for all of us, showing us the cause of the urgency. We must not fear for we are doing the Will of God, and in this way we are in the grace of God. He will HELP US. Let us believe this with all our heart.

So, we have another bigger meeting in Leiden April 20. An announcement will be placed in the local newspaper and friends and relatives will be invited to view a video of Vassula. Books will be available, and beverages and coffee.

I FIND IT VERY IMPORTANT to begin all these actions by praying to our Blessed Mother to intervene, and to dedicate all these meetings to Her for the glory of God. We could not take one step without the help from Heaven. We are so weak and such nothings, but God is strong and He can do everything. He will help us to spread His Work, for True Life in God belongs to Him. He knows how weak we are!

God the Father Himself gave us a message through Vassula in Israel in May 1998 as follows: „Tell them that were they to remain in Me, in My Love, their joy would be complete and everything they would strive for, for My Sake, in their work, but would be unable to complete or succeed with because of their human frailty, I, as a Father, having seen their nobility of thought, I would take into consideration their good intentions for wanting to please Me; and so, I, in My turn, will supply what would be lacking in them, so that many would believe in My Work and Divine Theme of Love; they would believe not because of them but in the evidence of the Perfect Work that will be accomplished in My Divinity.”

This is true and we can witness it.

The other Message that God the Father gave us which makes us feel the urgency of spreading these Messages is from May 25, 1993: „…Since everything is coming near the end now and the end is close, go and announce My Message even in every public square; go and widely publicize My Merciful calls…”.

Anthippie Dimozantos