March 31, 1995

(Oita – Japan)

When I was imprisoned in darkness
and kept captive in the dungeon of sin,
where grim faced spectres haunted my soul,
and while I thought I would remain there,
forgotten and banished from Your Eternal Light,
You, like a thousand brightly blazing suns
descended from Your Glory
illuminating my dreadful night;
Suddenly, someone was standing there
and my heart leaped with hope;
A Breath slid over my face, opening my eyes:
and the Invisible God became Visible;
and while I was standing face to face
with Purity, Splendour and Sovereignty,
I came to be; The breath of Omnipotence raised me
and my lawlessness ceased to be.

dust and ashes, I have given you a heart of flesh now and inspired in you a living spirit; although your mind had sunk into deep forgetfulness, My Mercy came to your help and rescued you, curing you; I said: „I shall become her Spouse, her Educator and her Protector and she will be My bride, My pupil and My child, and I will lead her by a marvellous road; her feet will tread on sapphires; I shall be her starlight while crossing gloomy valleys and her rod and staff when persecuted and hunted; though she will be crossing deserts and valleys, she will never thirst or hunger, I will be her Cup and My Body will be her food; I shall be the theme of her praises and her Song in My assemblies;”

and now, child of My predilection, courage, your race is not over, but I shall finish it with you, My Hand upon your hand; 1 be in Peace and allow Me to instruct you every day! I instructed My disciples and formed them and like I have nourished them with My Word, so will the One who raised you nourish you; with My Holy Spirit I will teach you to avoid all evil; do you still want to learn from Me?

Yes, Lord.

good; then you shall learn; the Father and I will continue to pour on you Instructions like prophecy ….. My pleasure is to teach, particularly souls like yourself who must depend on Me only and are well-disposed, eager like children who want to please their Teacher! I delight in such souls;

finally, I want to add one more thing on account of My Messages: I have decided to hurry up with My Return; I will not wait too long to return to you; even though many are refusing to believe this, they will believe when it happens but then their heart would be unprepared to receive Me; My Return is imminent and this is why, daughter, I was anxious for you to hurry up and complete the work My Father and I gave you through My Holy Spirit; My Treasure, allow Me to continue My dictation without any delay on your part;

My affection for you is great and I will help you to put your heart right and please Me; see? see how I unburdened you from the administration work? now I will have you just for Myself; I will call and you will be available; the rest of My Messages now will be given to you promptly before the day of the Antichrist’s appearance ….

How are we to continue when he appears?

for just over three days and three nights2 you shall not be able to continue as you want; but this silence will be broken by My Own Hand upon opening the sixth seal; 3 rejoice, for I shall be with you soon! My Voice will be heard and My enemies will tremble and beat their breasts;

I am today suffering with you just as I agonised in Gethsemane;

come, Vassula, I bless you for giving Me honour and praise4 and for giving Me your time to write through your hand;

(Notes for the reader to understand.

‘For just over three days.’ Rv. 11:11: „After the three-and-a-half days, God breathed life into them and they stood up ….” This regards the two witnesses, the two prophets. Elijah and Moses. The Two Hearts today, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart, are prophesying to us in a parallel ministry of Elijah and Moses. Elijah represents prophecy and the preparation of the Lord’s coming, as John the Baptist who had come in the same spirit as Elijah. Moses represents the Law. During the three-and-a-half days, all heavenly prophecy will be silenced, which will be the time of the reign of the Antichrist.

„A time and two times and a half a time; and all these things are going to happen when he who crushes the power of the holy people meets his end.” Dn. 12:7.

„The beast that comes out of the Abyss is going to make war on them and overcome them and kill them.” Rv. 11:7.

„Men out of every people, race, language and nation will stare at their corpses, for three-and-a-half days, not letting them be buried, and the people of the world will be glad about it and celebrate the event by giving presents to each other, because these two prophets have been a plague to the people of the world.” Rv. 11:9, 10.

„But this silence will be broken by My Own Hand upon opening the sixth seal.” This will be the end of those three and a half years of the Antichrist’s power.

„After the three and a half days, God breathed life into them and they stood up, and everybody who saw it happen was terrified; then they heard a loud voice from heaven say to them, ‘come up here’, and while their enemies were watching, they went up to heaven in a cloud. Immediately, there was a violent earthquake and a tenth of the city collapsed; seven thousand persons (that is a great number of all classes) were killed in the earthquake, and the survivors, overcome with fear, could only praise the God of heaven.” Rv. 11:11-13.

„In my vision, when he broke the sixth seal, there was a violent earthquake and the sun went as black as coarse sackcloth; the moon turned red as blood all over ….” Rv. 6:12.

„My Voice will be heard and My enemies will tremble and beat their breasts.”

„They said to the mountains and the rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us away from the One who sits on the throne and from the anger of the Lamb.'” Rv. 6:16.)

1 Double meaning: Helps me to write and walk.
2 Symbolic number for 3 1/2 years.
3 Look at the ‘notes’ at the end of this message.
4 Jesus means during my meeting.