June 19, 1994
(Father’s Day. San Francisco)
Yahweh, Creator and Father of all,
I love You.
There is certainly no Father like You.
I admit that we are hard in the heart
and, ah, so distant from Your Loving Heart ….
We cannot say that we have not heard
about the greatness of Your Love,
yet our ears have not been attentive
and we have ignored You ….
We have rebelled against You …
we are filled with misery
and we are champions
when it comes to wickedness.
The whisperings of our hearts
are venomous and our soul is as night.
O Father,
I admit that we have turned Your House
into the haunt of the lizard and the spider,
yet, Your right Hand was not hidden,
You had filled us with good things!
in our immense pride,
we have betrayed Your Image,
we have committed a double crime:
disloyalty and division.
We fail to give water to the thirsty,
we fail to give bread to the hungry;
spite is our daily bread, thus provoking
the pillars of heaven to tremble ….
We have all become like withered leaves
because of our division; can we say:
„We have been invoking Your Name in one voice”?
Yet, Father,
Your lips, wet with graciousness,
never cease from calling us with blessings.
Your Eyes are drawn to Your creatures with pity;
Your majesty visits the earth,
planting vineyard after vineyard,
how blessed those whom You visit,
and invite to walk with You in Your celestial courts!
our faults overwhelm us
and our hearts are gross with sin,
yet in Your Mercy You blot every evil out.
Is there anyone today who remembers You?
Is there anyone offering You a thought?
Is there anyone comforting You?
daughter? Have My Peace;
– look, I do not condemn anyone, flower; hear Me: bring back My children to Me; appease My indignation against them! offer Me this as a gift on Father’s day; remind them, daughter, as you have done today, that I am their first Father, their comrade and best friend, the Upright One who watches them and loves them; I am their Holy Companion; tell My children to whom they should bound themselves by intimate friendship and how to put their trust in Me;
– hear Me: for My sake be constant in your prayers, you are bound by the vows you so generously made, vows of faithfulness to your Father; I am Yahweh and you are bound to Me with bonds of love; ah daughter, satisfy your Father’s thirst for his children by loyally offering yourself as a sacrifice;
allow Me to use you to speak in their heart and stir their love; My sighing is no secret from you; your Father’s sighing is no secret from you, My child; be gentle in carrying out My Message, I Am is always with you; do not be afraid; the more you advance, the more you should lower yourself; take courage, I will renew you all in the end in My Love;