March 3, 1990


I am;

never be flagrant; despise all that does not come from Me; I am Pure and Holy, how else will My Spirit work in you as I wish? 1 Vassula, there is nothing you can do without Me, it is I who shall glorify My Name again, sinners shall return to me; My Name shall be held Holy and what I have said, I shall fulfil;

My child, I am the Revealer of Mysteries and I am disclosing to many what is to take place; you are one of My chosen souls to whom I have revealed My Holy Face and My intentions, all you have to do is to keep transmitting My Messages, you are not to convince anyone; flower, do everything you can and I shall do the rest; I know how limited you are, but do not worry, beside you I am to hearten you; multiply your prayers, delight Me and remain near Me; remember, you were dead and I lifted you, you were cold towards Me and I enlivened in you My Flame to consume you with My Love, you were apathetic towards Me but I have made you fervent and thirsty for Me;

for years, I your God lived in your wilderness, finding no rest and no consolation, from a creature I had created with so much love; with great dismay I could see you slipping away from Me, I had but to say: „let this wilderness and dry land exult!” but I wanted your co-operation, I did not want to violate your liberty; to free you, beloved, I had to drag you all the way to the desert and leave you on your own; only then you came to realise how naked you were and how stained your soul was, and so with great terror you came flying at My Feet; you realised how insufficient you were on your own; I then made you understand how I had suffered in your wilderness and how you had turned My Lips dryer than parchment for thirst of love; then I made you see your insides as having become the perfect wasteland for the viper to nestle and lay its eggs without fear within you; 2

I then allowed your veil to fall so that your eyes may see My Beauty, and with My Finger I touched you, transfiguring you; I went in all directions seeking by what means I could make you Mine for eternity and make out of you an initiate in My mysteries; I transformed your desert into a spring and I made out of your wasteland, rivers; yes! I am the One who soon out of your3 scorched earth will make lakes, and out of your parched lands, springs of water, I shall not let you die; listen, I will stir up many of you and shall make My Voice heard from My Holy dwelling place, I mean to display My Holiness and My Mercy to many nations so that they may acknowledge Me;

I am Holy and I mean to make you all understand that you too must live holy,

„Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new. Late have I loved You! You were within me, but I was outside, and it was there that I searched for You. In my unloveliness, I plunged into the lovely things which You created. You were with me, but I was not with You. Created things kept me from You; yet if they had not been in You they would not have been at all. You called, You shouted and You broke through my deafness. You flashed, You shone and You dispelled my blindness. You breathed Your fragrance on me; I drew in breath and now I pant for You. I have tasted You; now I hunger and thirst for more. You touched me, and I burned for Your Peace.” (St. Augustine, The Confessions, Book X)

My Lord, my thoughts are now for unity. Are they sincere, My Lord, to unite?

there, My child, have I not told you and shown you how rigid some of them are? they cry out for peace and for unity but they do not mean one single word out of what they say, their heart is as hard as rock and they are unyielding as a millstone, yet, I shall bend them all with My Flame, just wait and see …

1 Jesus is reproaching me for certain things I was saying about someone.

2 In the very beginning of this revelation God had given me a vision to see the interior of my soul. I saw that I was feeding a viper.

3 The entire world.