November 29, 1989

My heart is ready, my God, to receive You. I am listening, here I am.

(Message for the prayer group for December)

My Vassula, I am well pleased for allowing Me to use you; listen and write;

peace be with you; I am your Saviour, the King of Peace, I am your Consoler, I am Love and it is to Love you are lending an ear, and it is for your King of Peace you have travelled from far to come and listen to, and it is your Saviour who redeemed you that you shall hear today;

it is Peace that you come to seek, and I tell you: I give you My Peace; is it consolation that you seek, My beloved ones? come, I shall lavish on you consolation; is it Love that you are thirsty for? oh come! fall into My open Arms; I am Love! My little children, do not let your hearts be troubled, I have never abandoned you; I, Jesus, am always by your side;

the reason, therefore, why I descend in this way, is to console you and to remind you of My Law; I want to call you all back to Love, to Peace and to Unity; I do not come to judge you nor do I come to condemn you; I come out of My Infinite Mercy to remind you that I am Holy and that you ought to be living holy;

I am a God of Love, not a God that drives you to despair; I am a God of Hope and I come to give you hope; blessed ones, I am He who loves you most, I am He who laid down His Life for the sake of His Love to you; will I then not take all possible means to come in these days of darkness to warn you and draw you away from evil? and to pull you closer to My Heart and show you that your Abode is indeed My Sacred Heart?

I come to ask those who have still not reconciled with Me to reconcile and make Peace with Me; all I ask from you is LOVE; My Spirit is being outpoured lavishly upon your generation, all out of My Infinite Mercy, and it should not seem incredible to you that I should speak in this way, since I Am the Almighty; My Messages are to bring many of you who have strayed back to your senses and remind you of the Truth; and for those who still do not believe in these Divine Works of Mercy I shall ask the same question I had once asked the Pharisees: which of you here, if his son falls into a well, or his ox, will not pull him out on a sabbath day without hesitation? 1

beloved ones, I am an Abyss of Mercy; I am Infinite Wealth and My Voice shall be heard all around the globe and even underneath, in the dark belly of this earth where lie the dead, My Voice shall be heard, and I shall go to them and raise them, making columns of light out of them; and to those who continue to condemn My Works, I say: seek the Lord in simplicity of heart;

My priests, My priests … all you who are the reflection of My Divine Image, allow Me to remind you at this end of the year to come to Me and draw from My Heart which is an Abyss of Love and fill up yours; listen to My Words and act upon them; do not be like a house built only on soil and with no foundations, then with a gushing of a river upon you, would collapse! be firm, and put into action the lessons learnt from Me; I shall draw all men to Myself and the Spirit of Love shall reveal to you all, My Holy Face;

I come to you to encourage you, My beloved brothers; remain in My Love, continue to shepherd My people with love for Love; walk in My Light and I shall guide you; I am the Light of the world and you are My friends; My chosen ones, enter into My Sacred Heart, enter into this Furnace of Love and allow Me to enkindle your heart so that you, in your turn, go and inflame other hearts;

come to Me, imperfect as you are and share My Great Love; your love should not be just words or mere talk, but something real and active; repay evil with good … repay injustice with righteousness … repay hatred with love … forgive, forgive … let love be always present in all your acts;

children of My Sacred Heart, in these days, you are living in difficult times where My foe has stretched out his dominion like a veil; this is why I come to ask you to double your prayers; prayers of the heart that reach Me;

come, repent … confess your sins, My child; do not come unworthy to receive Me in this little white Host; come and drink Me, come and eat Me, and remember Whom you are receiving in this Sacred moment, you are receiving Me, you are receiving Life; be pure to receive Me; yearn for this Holy moment as never before, yearn to receive your God; even My angels from above look at you, yearning after this Meal, desiring to be one of you! let your heart be stirred by a noble theme, say to Me: „Jesus, I, the sinner, ask to be forgiven, I am not worthy of receiving You, yet I know that by just one word from You and I can be healed”; keep saying these words, they please Me, they make Me your God run to you, they fill My Sacred Heart with Compassion;

call out to Me: „Kyrié eleisson! Christé eleisson! forgive me, the sinner!” humble yourselves and I shall raise you … efface yourselves, and I shall lift you to Me and hide you in My Sacred Heart; I ask you from now on to: live in constant faith, love and holiness; let My request be your motto for this coming year;

come, be one under My Holy Name as I and the Father are One and the Same;

I, the Lord Jesus Christ, bless all of you, leaving My Sighs of Love upon your forehead;

Love loves you;

(Message of Our Holy Mother)

children of God, peace be with you; I, your Holy Mother, need your prayers to realise God’s Salvation Plan; I need prayers from the heart; let your prayers reach heaven, let them be as incense;

fill your hearts with God’s Love and rejoice, for a Saviour was born for your salvation, a Saviour meek at heart who descended on earth to serve and to call the oppressed; „He has come to open the eyes of the blind, to free captives from prison and those who live in darkness from the dungeon”; 2 beloved children, it is the same Saviour who calls out to you today, it is the same Saviour who calls each one of you by his name: to return to Him; it is the same Jesus who reminds you of His teachings; it is the same Jesus whom I, as His Mother, held in My Arms, and had Him wrapped in swaddling clothes; born to serve, born to redeem you, and now it is the same Jesus always who calls out to you for your salvation; it is the same Saviour who reminds you that you all belong to Him; He was made visible in the flesh and He sacrificed Himself for you, My children, in order to set you free;

come then and rejoice and be filled with happiness! come and proclaim the greatness of His Holy Name! come and be the joyful messengers carrying His Word; I love you and, believe Me, My Cape is large enough to hide you all inside it! 3 come to the Lord, do not fear to show Him your weaknesses, come to the Lord and offer Him your heart and He will receive it like myrrh, incense and gold;

We love you … We love you without measure, abandon yourselves to Him; Jesus comes to each one of you; He comes to free the captives of this world and give them their freedom; captives who, like doves, have been caught and caged by the evil one, but Jesus untiringly goes from cage to cage and frees every single captive;

My children, live according to the Lord’s Heavenly Commandments and Law, for the Law of Heaven is resumed in one single word, and this word is: LOVE;

I, your Holy Mother, intercede and pray for you day and night, I give you My Love and I bless all of you and all your families;

(I heard again the Holy Spirit praying for me without ceasing during the whole night and in the end, very early in the morning the Holy Spirit asked me to repeat after Him this prayer: „Père aide moi, car Ta Puissance est Amour.” It was given to me in French, and it means: „Father help me, because Your Power is Love.”)

in spite of the fact that many nations
have sunk into a pit of their own making,
and are caught by the feet in the snares they set themselves,
have pity on them;
Lord, grant them a hearing,
make out of them a completely new batch of bread,
glorifying You, my King,
I shall ask You again Lord of Love, Lord of Mercy,
that those who heard and heard again
but never understood, to hear this time
for the sake of Your Love
and that those that saw and saw again
but never perceived, to perceive this time,
for the sake of Your Great Mercy,
entering thus into Your Mystery,
soften their heart so that they may understand
fully with their heart and not with their mind,
and thus be converted and healed by Your Divinity,
then they shall realise how wonderful Your decrees are,
and their soul shall not resist but respect them.

My child, I shall glorify My Name again, just wait and see, this is only the beginning …

Lord, You are like a consuming Fire
and I know You are working in many hearts;
Lord I live for You, be very near me in this exile.

saturated by Me, live for Me, live under My Wings; imbued by My Love, flourish now and grow, spread your branches like a terebinth; tell Me that I am He whom you love most; be My song, little one; be My Heaven and glorify My Holy Name again; lean on Me when you are weary, oh yes! delight Me and feel My Presence! oh yes! hunger for Me, thirst for Me, look at your King! behold the One who saved you! look, flower, at My Beauty! free My dove, free at long last!

enter now into My Sacred Heart and let It consume you entirely and make nothing else out of you but a living flame of Love’s jealous Love; I am an Ardent Flame of Love and My Love is indeed a consuming Fire; desire Me, I am being glorified, stretch this love for Me; My Hand is upon many nations, all shall be accomplished soon on the right hour and the right time;

Love Me, desire Me; come, we us?

Yes Lord, for eternity. Glory be to God.

3 Our Holy Mother was smiling.