October 2, 1989
I am; come, My child, take My Hand and we shall work together; I am Wisdom, your Teacher, so depend on Me only; learn that no one is able to give you better knowledge than I, who Am the Lord; listen and write:
creation! soul! you who read Me, you who hear Me, praise Me, glorify Me, praise Me from morning till night, praise and extol Me without ceasing, amend for those who never praise Me nor glorify Me; bless Me, worship Me and desire Me, has no one told you of the Song of the Three Young Men? 1 then learn and proclaim this among the nations; the Spirit of Truth is with you all, My little children; I will remind you that I am God whom you come to meet and pray; since I am a living God, I feel if you come to Me with a lip prayer; I want you to desire Me … desire Me, desire Me, thirst for Me, seek Me eagerly, have no other desire but Me, desire to be in constant link with Me, desire to please Me, desire to feel Me and hear Me, desire My Presence, let nothing of this world deceive you; for if the world hates you, remember that it hated Me before you;
place Me as First, do not wound My Sacred Heart by neglecting Me; near Me you will feel My Love, My Peace; and this harmony of Heaven that I have with My Angels can be yours too if you come nearer to Me; I love you all with an eternal love, a love you are unable to understand on earth; come and I shall show you, if you are willing, what True Life in God means; I tell you solemnly that anyone who lives in Love lives in Me your God and I live in him;
wake up from your sleep, wake up from your lethargy and do not deceive yourselves saying: „but I love the Lord and He knows it, I always have and so my conscience is clean,” today I am telling you to return to Me; if you ask, „but how are we to return?” I will tell you, by converting yourselves; and if you say, „but we are converted, how are we to convert?” I will tell you then, by desiring Me, by thirsting for Me; seek Me, the Holy One; come and adore Me; let your portion be Me, your Holy One; let your eyes dissolve in tears of love in My Presence;
be alert, be alert, if you knew how much more alarming it is not to know the cause of your sins, not to feel your sins and to have lost the sense of what is good and what is evil! resist the devil’s tactics; be awake in your prayers, be in constant prayer to Me; pray without ceasing, let Me feel you are in a constant desire for Me: a constant prayer, a prayer coming from your heart, is The Desire of God, My beloved ones; if you wish to grow in My Love, do away with your lethargy and your lip-prayers; to be in constant prayer is to desire Me, your Lord; try and understand My Message; desire Me with joy, desire Me with your heart and not with your lip; let Me hear you cry out: „Abba!”; so come to Me as little children again, return to Me and ask Me with your heart, seek Me with your heart, come to Me, offering Me your heart; Devotion will embellish your soul; do not stray from the Truth, for the Truth is Love, so come to Me full of Love, drawing from My Heart; be in the Truth, live in the Truth by desiring Me without ceasing; do all these things so that you may live;
in these last days I am outpouring My Spirit of Grace on all mankind, have you not noticed that I give even to the least? My Spirit of Grace is being poured on your generation to teach you to love Me; I come as the Reminder of My Word; I come to brighten this darkness with My Light; I come to warn you and wake you up from your deep sleep; I do not come with wrath, I come with Love, Peace and Mercy to unveil the shroud of death enwrapping your nations; I come to remind you that I am Holy and holy you should be living; I come to remind you and teach you how to pray; I have given you everything to raise your soul to Me and share My Kingdom;
I am coming to you as a Beggar, pleading you; I am coming to you as Wisdom, teaching you all over again the knowledge of Holiness; ever so ardently I offer you My Heart, ever so humbly I offer you Myself every single day as your daily Bread; I give you Food to eat to your heart’s content, eating your fill; so come to Me, return to Me and praise Me your God;
I bless you all, leaving My Sigh of Love on your forehead; Love loves you all; be one;