September 9, 1988

Lord, I trust You. What I have learnt, I learnt from You only. But Lord, many ecclesiastics are mocking me, they refuse to believe it’s You. They push away Your Works, the visions of children, apparitions, revelations. All are trodden upon. They want You SILENT. Please, do not stand aside, My God. Come quickly to us and help us, Lord our Saviour! Lord?

I am; Vassula, My advice for those who oppress you is, „unless you become like children again, you will be unable to penetrate into My Kingdom”; My child, the time will come when every vision will be proclaimed as true; I have said, that there will be no empty vision, no deceitful prophecy in My Church; what I said, will soon come true, since what I pronounce I will fulfil in your own lifetime;

Thank You, Lord.

we, us?

Forever, amen.