November 13, 1987
My Vassula, all I ask from you is love; every virtue blossoms from Love, Love is the root for every virtue; Love is like a fruit-tree, that blossoms first, then later on gives its fruit; every fruit is a virtue;
come, let us have a silent prayer together first, you and Me to the Father, let us pray in total silence; I will dictate:
„Father, Righteous One, My Shelter,
send out Your Light and Your Truth,
let these be my guide,
to lead me to Your Holy Place where You live,
I, for my part love You fully,
I will keep my vow to fulfil Your word,
Holy Father I am aware of my faults, of my sins,
have mercy on me in Your Goodness
and Your great Tenderness
forgive my sins, purify me, Lord,
be my Saviour, renew me,
keep my spirit faithful to You and willing,
I offer you my will, surrendering,
I am willing to be Your tablet,
I praise Your Holy Name and thank You
for all the blessings and peace you have given me;
now repeat it with Me;
(We repeated it together.)
Thank you Jesus for leading me step by step. You are my Holy Teacher, teaching me with Love and patience, guiding me and guiding others too to know You better, to know what an Infinite Love You are, never deserting us, but always ready to search for us who were lost and bring us back to You. Never did I feel harshness from You, or impatience, I only felt loved. You gave Love and Peace to my soul. This is what You are. I will never leave You, Lord.
daughter, desire Me always; love Me and honour Me; remain faithful to Me;
let us be together; do not forget My Presence;