August 14, 1987
My God?
I am; have My words of today; „whoever seeks Me will find Me;”
beloved, always love Me with fervour and glorify Me; narrate Me, saying to Orjän, „believe … believe … believe; come, beloved, I have indeed called you brother! how I love you! I, your Saviour, offer you My Love, I am Peace; come; come to Me and penetrate deep into My Wounds, feel My Heart, feel Me … live in My wounds brother;”
flower, beloved, remain; 1 here is My Mother;
ah Vassula, let Me tell you what will come; you will glorify My Son; daughter, eat from Him;
Oh St. Mary, You have always encouraged me! Since the beginning, You were my support.
(I felt a love for Her as much as I have for God. She is so very motherly!)
wear My medallion always for I blessed it on you; have our peace;
(I then fell prostrate and venerated Her in prayer.)