July 25, 2024
My Vassula,
be happy, happy are you that I, Yahweh, have been by your side instructing you; be happy for the love I have for you, and for the marvels I have done; I have made a new song for all of you, lowering heaven to come down to all of you, and you, you who are still hiding in a dark corner, lamenting that there is no one to befriend you, or care about you, do not let your spirit die! I, Am not any stranger passerby passing you by, because I need to remind you that you are My beloved, and I care for you, My song is for you dear soul, so do not ever say, “God will never take notice of me;” I have always been with you by your side; come! come and pause a while and do not be afraid, I am by your side; come and settle your feet on My Path, and do not dread Me, trust Me, and be blessed! happy the man who pays attention to the cries of the forlorn and who cares for the poor and helpless;
Vassula, I have shown My favor to you, taking you in My heavenly Courts to grow like an olive tree; I have opened your mind to hear My Instructions and learn from Wisdom, today I come to instill some joy in you and by renewing your joy I will keep your spirit willing to continue serving Me; I know, I know how your spirit during all this time has been meditating on Me, asking Me to remain sheltered under the shadow of My Wings, and so be it; I had you sheltered under My Wings, I have plunged you in Me in the deepest place of My Heart; hear me, remind everyone that I, Yahweh, am known to hear always those who are in need and who are seeking Me fervently, remind them that I am singing a new song for them; a song displaying My Love and Mercy, displaying My faithfulness;
in the past, when Moses and Aaron invoked Me, I answered them in a pillar of cloud, responding to them in this way; today I am making My Voice heard through My mouthpieces of My choice; before the mountains were created, and before the earth with its inhabitants and the world came to birth, I had envisioned already My Theme of Love for your times, yes, the True Life in God, this Royal Theme, so why, creature, do you still doubt? have you, you who doubt never heard of the great deeds I performed in the past?
I give You thanks for having heard me, I give You thanks for raising me, yes, indeed my soul is overcome with an incessant longing to be near You, Yahweh, My Father smile on me, smile on us, and deliver us from evil;
delightful child, Mercy and Redemption is to be found in Me; understanding Me is a knowledge given to a pure heart, knowing Me binds you closer with Me, I delight when you invoke Me as, “my Father and my God!” hear Me: the time is approaching of My Son’s return, the Day of darkness and gloom is nearer than you think; fire will devour pastures, and trees, the skies will tremble, the sun and moon and stars will lose their brilliance, no one will escape this Day;
repent! and come back to Me with all your heart, generation, so that I may spare you; turn to Me and I, who am rich in graciousness will spare you; I will spare you if you repent; hear Me; let a year or two pass by then all the visions you have seen daughter, will unfold, visions that were like a sealed book and uncomprehend, will unfold; yes in a short time less than you think; many who ignored My Merciful Hand, will try to flee, but I will pursue them, not so as to punish them but by pity will be gracious to them; soon I will show my fury to the nations who turned against Me and My glare will resemble a devouring fire, My breath, downpour of lit up hailstones devouring everything on its way, caverns will give way and bunkers will be crushed, letting no one inside to shelter and save himself; offer your prayers from today, offer them for the remnant that will be left; for the arrogance of men will be humbled the surviving remnant shall bring forth good fruits1
Is this, my God not too harsh?
Vassula, they lie heavy on Me, even some of those who keep the Church have not followed My Son’s Instructions; I cannot endure their spite and their inflexibility when it comes to work for unity; I cannot bear, endure their apathy towards My Merciful Calls;
My Word of today means nothing for them, to this day they have felt neither contrition nor fear; how am I not to turn My Face against them when subtly some will compromise with their governments and make out of Me a mockery of a god? I know all about their presumptions, ah yes! do you not know that when an upright man renounces his integrity and commits sin, he dies for it? and the opposite, when a wicked man renounces his wickedness and repents he lives? today this generation is calling Justice on their heads, caused by their filthy practices; but soon all of this will be over, for My Son’s Return, who is despised by the world and whom so many of the elite loathe, will be descending to you, and the earth will tremble, while the people who worshiped My Son will stand up when they will see Him and will bow down; for the Lord will have Mercy for those who invoked His Name;