January 2, 2023


I AM! do not be afraid, let the memories of My first visit to you return to you and revive in you, as well as all the instances that followed for they will be as well for the benefit of all those who read My Messages; let everyone know how I meet My own with choicest blessings, how I probe hearts, for innocence and integrity will always draw My loving Gaze on these hearts;

hear Me: remind everyone that My forgiveness has no boundaries, although in your days I am constantly being offended by My own creatures whom I love to folly, My Mercy on them bears witness to this, for as you know, with Me are both Mercy and Wrath, so at the time of vengeance the world will suffer; if you ask why, consider yourselves, consider how many sins are piling up on you, generation, for in sinning, evil befalls upon you;

I am here, speaking to you in your days, to lead your feet with tenderness towards the Royal Portals of My Kingdom; do not be like an idler without sensitivity, brazen and haughty; do not waver with every wind, strengthen your faith in Me for I am your Adviser and the One who fathered you; I have been from the beginning your Protector and your Support;

ah… My daughter, today so many of them are close to the Portals of Death! If they had only realised who has been calling them all these years, they would have fallen flat on their faces to the ground, worshipping Me in awe, for they would have understood that I Am who I Am, the Most High, is the one who is calling them;

„fear God and praise Him, because the time has come for Him to sit in judgment; worship the Maker of heaven and earth, and of the sea and every water spring!” 1

The path that leads to Me will lead you to safety and to Eternal Life! I have fathered you, so, to live as My offspring, you must not sin! let Me remind you that in the beginning, My Vassula, My Holy Spirit having rested on you anointed you to enable you to teach you with Wisdom to lead you to the Truth; He 2 opened the eye of your soul to recognize and welcome Me as your Father, you, the flesh of My Flesh and the bone of My Bone and far beyond this Truth; since then, I have reared you and many others joyfully and with lenience; I allowed you to feast on the bounty of My Courts, and to recognize the greatness of My Name, allowing your sight to see beyond into the cosmos, and how I am Lord and King in the beyond as well;

but here I am, in your room, to console you while expressing My friendship to you, conferring everlasting blessings on you, gladdening your heart with My Presence, as fathers do to their children when they place them on their knees; oh yes! from your mother’s womb where I placed you, you were already Mine; I am right in front of you, to watch over you, telling you that you need nothing more and no one else, save My Presence that will suffice you ;

listen, My daughter, be attentive to My words and listen to them; I have courted you and given you gifts, I have clothed your soul with My Presence, I have embroidered your being with the jewels of My Son, Jesus, jewels that  were used to crucify Him; in My infatuation with you, I uprooted you from the house of your ancestors to place you in My garden of delights, in My own Royal dwelling place, to address My poem to you; this poem that I have written for you and for all generations to come; and I will continue to shepherd My people…

have you not read: ‘you too are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you!’ 3 then do not remain silent, listless and in apathy; wake up generation, for I am God, your Father who is here among you for ever and ever to remind you of the greatness of the Love I have for you!


1 Rev. 14:7.

2 The Holy Spirit.

3 Ps 82:6.