April 14, 2011
If the Lord will not rebuild His House Himself, the labourers, have they been working in vain?
but I rely on Your Promise and
may all the hardships we suffered
bring Glory to You…
My Vassula, My dearest, My Mouth proclaims the Truth, only the Truth; when I assigned you for this work and called you forth, being just yourself, have I not filled up your mouth with anointing oil? have I not filled the world with fruit? have I not raised the dead to life?
I had said: „I will raise the corpses and the land of ghosts will give birth to a new life in Me; never mind the wrath and the injustice their blood does on you; the earth already is disintegrating and all the inhabitants of the earth are paying dearly for their crimes; the misery the east is facing will consume their pride and their guilt; a fierce blast as fierce as a hurricane will burn them; and they will atone every one of their guilt; and they will learn to live with integrity
it is I who stir the winds and stir the seas, making its waves roar; Vassula, let Me tell you this: you are My delight and My sacrifice, for I have exposed you to those who raise their voice with ‘thoxologhiés’1 but never mean them; from palaces where they live, was heard a ruthless judgment, the light of justice is not in their eyes, neither in their heart, but the day will come when they will be struck with a remorse such as they had never experienced since their day of their birth!
do you believe, My child, that I was not present, while with excessive arrogance and with flashes of fearful sparks coming out of their eyes, they were tearing down My fruitful vine? and the gift I Myself formed and assigned? vanity! corrupt and sick with resentment and how aptly the Holy Spirit spoke when He said through the mouth of Isaiah:
‘go to the nations and say: you will hear and hear again but not understand, see and see again, but not perceive, for the heart of this nation has grown coarse, their ears are dull of hearing and they have shut their eyes, for fear they should see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their heart, and be converted and be healed by Me…’
understand then, that this salvation coming from Me was sent to the simple of heart, to the wretched, to those your society disdains, to the lowly, to punish the mighty and the proud; your accusers are My accusers; your attackers are My attackers;
Break Your silence then, and come to my defence, give verdict for me and do not let them gloat over me!
Vassiliki, do not worry about yourself; your Holy Mother is today more than ever by your side take good heart, for happy the man who wastes his life for Me! happy are you dear soul for tasting My Passion and the thorns, the nails and above all the lance! those wicked hands that want to expel you, will suffer when they will discover who they were persecuting
and will tremble on that Day! they are shedding My Blood like rivers;
remain committed, Vassula, and adorn My Head with ornaments of love and glory, and those who have doubts, reassure them; I am the Lord who will correct your accusers;2 we, us?
ic ah, Vassula, the trust you have shown Me shall not pass from My memory, but shall ever remain…
I Am; all great and small are under My Power and My Dominion; so My child, never fear for I am always by your side, love Me, I, Jesus, bless you; I Am;