Dear Lisa and Jack:

May Vassula with all of our loved Ones now with the Saints in Light Resting in Peace to Rise in Glory. Amen. Alleluia!

My dear English Mission College in Cairo Alumnus Vassula:

You have fought a Great Fight and kept the Faith from the early days of your English Mission College childhood, in the then quiet charm of Qubba Palace days in suburban expatriate Heliopolplis and Cairo, Egypt – and then your life long spiritual journey and adventurous quest – across the breadth of the World – a quest with the sure Vision of the Divine Call for UNITY fir our Lord’s Christian Family in His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in His Paschal Victory of Life over Death!

„Alleluia. Christ us Risen. The Lord is Risen Indeed. Alleluia.

Dear Vassula, you were always rejoicing in the uplifted Resurrected Lord from Calvary into the Eastertide Cross, with His call to Unity – so deeply embedded in the depth of your Loving and compassionately caring heart, mind and Soul as you lived to the last – on the earthly beautiful Greek Islands.

The Heavens Rejoice at your Coming in the Promise of the Good Shepherd ” …. I am the Good Shepherd and know my Own, that where I am, there You will be also. …. I have Come that You may have Life and Have it abundantly. ….. Amen.

More to say later of our beloved Saintly inspirational and uplifting life lived in joyous holiness of dear Vassula. Surely, she is where we all within the Divine Forgiveness promised to us, while still on our Earthly Pilgrimage, on this „Fragile Earth, our Island Home” in our intercessional Hope to be with the Saints in Light. Amen. Alleluia.


The Rev’d Canon Dr Samir J. Habiby, ChStJ