November 27, 1986
(Doubts! Doubts and doubts!)
My heart is trembling and my breath is fading away. Terror dwells within me; I am the most wretched if I’m wrong in all this. Horror swells my heart; ah, and the devil laughs at my fear… My God! My God, give me a sign! Am I the prey of the devil?
peace be with you! I am Yahweh and I rule the heavens and the earth; I am the Most High; lean on Me for I love you; here, 1 hold the crucifix in your hand; 2
see, 3 I locked your fingers together;
I love you; I will loosen your hand now; feel loved by Me, daughter, and trust Me; go in peace;
(„Again, Yahweh spoke to Moses, ‘Put you hand into your bosom.’ He put his hand into his bosom and when he drew it out, his hand was covered with leprosy, white as snow. ‘Put your hand back into your bosom.’ He put his hand back into his bosom and when he drew it out, there it was restored, just like the rest of his flesh” (Ex. 4:7).)
November 28, 1986
(I feel totally discouraged; I did not ask for all this to happen to me. Why should it be this way? What have I done?)
daughter? never be discouraged by men;
No one is with me, no one believes me. Am I mad? Why do they blame me because You speak to me?
look at Me; 4 be happy! rejoice, for I am beside you; feel happy, for I am near you; I, Jesus Christ, will always be with you; rejoice! I have given you this gift to reach Me and talk to Me in this way, and believe Me, daughter, when I tell you that so few have your gift, although they are countless in numbers, those who would have wished to have your gift; so rejoice! be happy;