January 7, 1987
peace be with you; I, Jesus, am here, Vassula; I will make you understand how much I suffer seeing so many souls lost; I suffer and suffer…
Jesus, I wish evil stopped existing! I wish You would feel happier.
do you desire that evil stops too?
beloved, go and wake up My children; let them understand that evil is trapping them;
(I realised that the Saviour was asking me to go and witness.)
Help me! For I know so very little!
I will, daughter; full you shall be many; 1
January 10, 1987
peace be with you; are you ready to hear Me? I am Yahweh; do not worry, I will guide you; you will not fail Me for I will show you the way; I will place My Words on your lips, have you not noticed?
Yes! I have found myself sometimes having the same construction of phrases as You have been giving me, when I talk to my friends, about what You have said.
I have told you that I will enrich your speech; your speech will be My speech;
I have also learned new words too.
yes; you are learning…you will come forth from My Mouth; daughter, you do not seem to realise yet fully the work I am giving you…
No. No, I don’t. I’m fearing to realise!
I am glad you are truthful to Me; you seem, though, to forget that the One who is with you is the Almighty God; I am the Almighty and I hold the keys to Wisdom; I have in the palm of My hand the whole universe; learn that I can alter heaven and earth; 2
The problem I have is to have full faith. I am weak, helpless and as You say, nothing. I can’t see but that which I’m not.
rely on Me, daughter, have you forgotten My Works? no one can oppose Me; come and recount My marvels; come and meditate in your heart on My prodigies…
It is not up to me, my Lord, to ask You this, but since You are able to scrutinise our hearts, and no secret can be hidden from You, I keep asking myself: „Why me? A nil. Ignorant of religion. Ignorant of Your Works. Totally powerless and a nobody. Why, why did You pick up on me?”
Vassula, I chose you to hear My Voice so that I show my graciousness to you all; I wanted to raise you from Nothingness to show to the flesh3 My handiwork; though many will turn against you and be your opponents, you will not be scathed; false witnesses shall rise against you but while their hearts will be coiling malice, I will be showering you with My blessings; I shall not be deaf to your cries, My child; I have preached to you so that you glorify My House; I have asked you if you wished to work for Me, have I not?
Yes, You did, and I said: YES.
I have named you ‘My bearer’; I want that all nations hear My Words; I will instruct you and tell you the way to go; you will go out and tell them that My Word cries out for Peace and Love; My Word is divine. I long to divinize you all!
I fear that many would just reject and pour scorn on what You are giving me.
trust in Me for I am your God, I will watch over you and I will be your adviser for My interests; Vassula, My Word4 will grow tall as the cedars, its branches will spread like open arms, reaching many nations, feeding the poor, healing your wounds and your sick, cleaning your stains and healing your wretchedness, soothing you, lifting you to My breast, loving you and teaching you again how to love one another and how to love Me;
My arms will deliver you from evil, for you are all Mine, beloved; look! look above you, look at My creation, all creation obeys My Will; 5 little one, how I see through you! 6 do not fear; cling on Me; see this brilliant decoration luminating My creation? this is only one of My many mysteries, many of them remain hidden; daughter of My choice, I will reveal the treasures of My Heart to you and you shall prosper from Wisdom;
little one, I am pleased with you; come, let us learn: 7 you will be able, in spite of Satan’s attacks, to write everything I want, for this is My Will; learn to praise Me, remembering who I am; Wisdom is given by Me; learn that Wisdom augments your faith; I want you to grow perfect in My Spirit; grow tall as the cedars and the cypress, for in you I will breathe many revelations;
listen, every branch of yours will blossom and will bear fruits of Peace and Love; I intend to fill your storages with My produce; I have heard your petitions, and so I am willing to give joy to you all; now I am sending you to them to be among them as My gift; I will give you to all mankind; I will shower down learning and discernment on you; I will convey you with My message to every nation:
„accept her for she is from Me; may all the nations benefit from her, for she will offer My people bread from Heaven and will fill them up; she will fill them up with My Knowledge; My people will lean on Me to find comfort and they will bless Me; O all of you who will be able to recognise Me through My Teachings, they will gain happiness in heart; many will pursue her like a hunter after his prey, but I will come to her rescue; others will listen and spend their time in My sanctuaries; blessed are those that unite with her; I, God, will be among you and you will see this sign on her, for she will be growing in My House;
behold, the Morning Star8 is soon to be seen; from Heaven I call to you to remind you that the Heritage is yours too, were you to recognise Me; today I am sending you one of My Own; in tilling her you will toil a little while but soon you will be eating from My crops; leaving her you will lose her, harassing her I will give her strength to overthrow you; how harsh she will be to the undisciplined! I am giving her strength to call Me anytime she wishes; once you hold her, you will learn from Me;”
today I am pouring on you all My Wisdom to enlighten the present dark world; I, God, come to shine on you all, revealing My Face as never before, thus enabling you to understand Me more; ah, how I long for every soul to receive Me for in receiving Me they will obtain peace; but now evil has a grip on them, teaching them to be evil and follow evil’s ways; evil has blinded them and filled them up with all kinds of weapons, stimulating them to become like her;
I fear for them because they are in danger and I love them; I have been giving them signs of My divine love; I am with them when they are in trouble; I always cover their nakedness with My graciousness, and My hand is outstretched to them to reach them, but they never seem to see Me; I call them to acknowledge Me as Father, but they never seem to see Me; they do not seem to hear Me either; Mercy is leaning over them, giving them signs but they do not recognise them;
now I am sending you to them as My gift; gather them together to annihilate the enemy who keeps you separated; I am giving you speech to be able to talk to My people and lead them back to Me; let their palate discern the flavour of My manna; beloved, you come from Me, and I will shower forth My Wisdom on you so that you may glorify Me;
God Almighty, Father of all, will I glorify You in the end?
I will be glorified, daughter; I, God, always reach my goals; always remember this: your pace will follow My pace, forever;