October 24, 1990

My heart wants to serve Your Greatness, but I am needy and in misery and unable to lift my finger without You.

true, for if I was not standing by your side you would not be standing at all; soul! enwrapped in My Light, are you willing to obey My precepts?

I am willing to obey Your precepts.

come and share My cloak, then; let Me be your Guide and I shall continue to reveal to you the secrets of My Sacred Heart; I shall continue to unfold to you the depths of Heaven; I shall not fail you, soul … remain poor, needy and fervent for My food; yes, hunger for My Food and desire it; do not be like the rich who do not hunger nor seek My Food; seek the Riches of My Heart; through your nothingness I have revealed My Greatness, through your misery I showed My Mercy, and through your frailty, My Strength; I have shown the world now the ardent Flame of the Burning Desires of My Heart; all I want from you now is a return of love;

daughter? I tell you truly, you who wish to serve Me, your God, every time you will open your mouth to witness for the Truth, I shall bless you; each time you speak of Me I shall light a fire in you, pray and ask and I shall give more than you have asked; I shall remind you always of My Instructions so that you may repeat My Words; I shall not leave you, I am known to be the All-Faithful; so, My Vassula, allow Me to use you until I come and fetch you;

blessed one! 1 remnant of Mine! flower, come to Me in the right spirit and trust Me; will you kiss My Feet? come, take your Master’s Hand and follow Me;

1 A thought passed my mind, as to what the Lord will do with me after He fetches me. It was not an intelligent thought. That’s why Jesus, surprised, said: „blessed one!”