November 27, 1996
(Eve of the 11th anniversary of True Life in God.)
peace be with you; you have said well to My people that all goodness comes from Me; only God is good and I supply My goodness to every creature; I fill their reserves so that they do not lack; rich are My depths and rich is My generosity;
Vassula, My cheerful messenger, grafted on to Me, receive My Holy Spirit and do not be afraid; I say to you, do not fear the world, this world that has turned pagan from their apostasy, but since I am Lord both of the dead and of the living, My aim is to resurrect the dead; My aim is to renew My Church and I put this duty to you, a duty beyond your means and your capacity, but do not forget who is with you; I am with you and I am Strength and Power; no one can say that all that has been achieved to this day came from you; in one’s nothingness you expect nothing, I chose an ignorant child so that all the undertakings will be done by Me;
so, go in My Name, go forward and proclaim My Messages which are a healing balm to mankind; do not be discouraged when from time to time the current opposes you, hold on to Me; stand firm when trials come your way; in the fight against apostasy, you have not yet had to fight alone; remember I am with you …. and I know those who are My Own;
My Heart grieves continuously to watch those in My House who lack sincerity and who do not work in My Spirit for the unification of the dates of Easter; I ask you to pray for them that My Father may give them a change of mind so that once their eyes are opened by My Holy Spirit, they will repent and recognise their error which prevented them from seeing the Truth;
pray for them that this spirit of pride in them, keeping them separated from the Truth, leaves them and brings them back to their senses; pray for them so that I may be able to say: „by their love, all men now will know that they are truly My disciples;” but today still, Satan and his demons keep them chained in their lack of love, for love is the distinctive sign of faith; how could they say to one another: „I have preached the Good News throughout the world; I have laboured to bring the Church into one and now all there is to come is the crown of righteousness which the Lord, my God, reserved for me from all eternity …” when to this very day they are failing in their duty?
all priests should imitate Me in their life; I am not speaking of those who imitate Me and are like My Abel who was pleasing to Us, because of his sacrifices and his sincerity, but of those who are like Cain, and Esau and Juda and the Scribes and the Pharisees; of these I am speaking, for their conduct contradicts My Holy Rules; must I, for their sake, go on drinking from the cup of your division, this cup forced on Me by them?
so far I have put no pressure1 on you, 2 I have been pleading with you to unify the dates of Easter but you are not hearing My Spirit; you have exploited the patience of My Father; this time again I am asking you to unite the Easter dates so that My Spirit shines on you with grace and brings My House into one; today I am speaking to you but you do not value My words in these Messages; when you will one day, it will be too late …. ah! if only one of these men working for unity, if only one of them does not give in to his passions, to his fears, and goes forward unifying the dates of Easter, I, God, will exalt him;
– but what I see from the House of the East are tempers roused, obstinacies and fears; brothers, yet adversaries; House of the East, you have done well in maintaining the Tradition as I passed It on to you and as My primitive church exercised It; however, you are not allowing My Holy Spirit to nurture you enough for your salvation and the salvation of those who are in desperate need of salvation …. you harass My first-fruits3 and My messengers, rejecting them together with My Holy Spirit of grace who brought them to walk in His path; and you continue to expel them from My Sanctuaries as I too was by the high priests of My time ….
in the meantime My flock is dispersed and the loss of souls increases daily; so I tell you, come, be ambitious for the gifts of My Spirit and do not leave My House barren; My House will benefit from My Spirit’s gifts if you open the door of your heart ….
and you, House of the West, you have realised, through the Light of My Spirit, that a body needs its two lungs to breathe freely, and that My Body is imperfect with one lung; pray that My vivifying Spirit will join you together, but what have I to suffer before! 4
the world transgresses and rejects My Commandments and Satan wants to destroy what I had instituted, he wants to destroy what I, the Lamb, left you with: My Church; he puts her in confusion, disorder and My Body is torn asunder by a spirit of rebellion, a rationalistic and naturalistic spirit has populated My Body, who disown Me in the Blessed Sacrament; of these, very few are concerned for My Interests, and so many are trampling upon My Laws as if they were not given by God! there is an antagonistic spirit hovering over My Church, but not for long now ….
so I implore you, House of the West, to go forward and unmask the Evil one by unifying the dates of Easter as in the primitive Church;
anyone who wants to become great among you must be your servant, and anyone who wants to be first among you must be slave to all; My primitive Church was like a child, innocent, and full of love because she was carried in the Arms of My Holy Spirit; then I heard: „I am not a child any longer and I can walk now by myself;” and since then she stepped out of My Holy Spirit’s embrace and accustomed her steps to walk her own way ….
O child of the Father! My fruit! city and bride of My Holy Spirit, your fragrance left you …. so come back to Me as a child and My grace will be upon you and My Holy Spirit thrice Holy will be your guide and your lamp;
for this I need intense poverty of the spirit and an overflow of generosity, ah … but children are poor in spirit and generous too because Wisdom lives in them and is their guide too;
(Later on:)
By Your Word, my God,
You raised me to sing to me
and to all my brothers and sisters
this new song of Love;
My bones were wasting away
and my heart had grown parched
and had become a land of drought;
ruin had crept on me in my total unawareness,
I was empty and hungry and I lacked,
I was filled with everything but Goodness;
Marvel of Love,
You came in my night,
You came to the one who had ceased to be,
to fill me by the Breath of Your Mouth
and bring me to be;
And now I can say:
I have been raised in the Courts of my Father
and my flesh bloomed again
and my heart breathes and longs
for my God, thrice Holy, all day long;
God, my Saviour,
You know that I am not worthy
to walk in Your Sacred Courts,
but I love Your House,
I love the House where You live;
I am not worthy to walk around Your Throne
and to gaze my fill on Your likeness; 5
Lord, let Your creation feast on Your Riches,
give them Rivers to drink,
give them abundant Manna to eat:
with You, my Lord, is the Fountain of Life,
with You, my Lord, is the Tree of Life,
so come, come in our darkness,
come by Your Light so that we see Your Light;
Lord, my God, hear me and side with me,
Come and renew Your creation,
so that nothing can ever shake us again!
Glory be to God, the God of Glory,
my life, I give to You; Amen.
peace be with you; your petitions reached Me …. 6
can the dust do anything by itself? 7 see?
Yet You heard my petitions. You must have heard and felt my heart which longs for You.
My delight and My child, be strong against all evil forces, remain in My favour and look after My Interests; be My Echo …. display My Holiness to the world, display the Riches of My Sacred Heart to every nation; 8
have you not noticed that I have given My orders to the skies above to open the doors of heaven and rain down Rivers together with Manna? I want to nourish you all with My Word;
Vassula, the simple of heart find Me and possess Me but there are thousands out there in the desert who are naked and starved and although they see themselves covered with rich vestments, in reality they are naked, starved and pitiable to look at; although they are starving for lack of My Word, they believe they are feasting;
there is no time to spare, My child; this is why I am sending you in My Name to tell them that the Lord has prepared for them a banquet ….