Friday, June 06, 2003 2:24 PM

Visit to Toronto – April, 2003

Dimitrios Papalamprou’s report of Vassula’s various North American meetings earlier this year was sent to this list last month. Here is a report of Vassula’s Toronto visit by one of the organisers, including a couple of photographs.

Vassula’s Visit to Toronto – April 6th, 2003

The day finally dawned. The sun shone bright and beautiful over Toronto, uplifting us from a two-week spell of snow, freezing rain, and cloudy days; it was as if the Lord wanted this day to shine. One could not help but burst into song:

„This is the day – this is the day,
That the Lord has made – that the Lord has made, We will rejoice – we will rejoice,
And be glad in it – and be glad in it.”

And, certainly we did rejoice. That morning, April 6th, 2003, our 17 member TLIG Toronto Prayer Group went into action like eager beavers, getting the hall ready, organizing last minute details, and decorating the stage for our very special visitor.

The afternoon began many people attending the book table and the TLIG display, with music, and with prayers; and, the event was specially blessed with the presence of Bishop Pearce Lacey; it was especially kind of him to be with us and later he did manage to meet up with our special guest.

At exactly 2:40 p.m., direct from the airport, and just after her introduction, in walked Vassula Ryden in person, the one our Lord calls the Sun of Righteousness, the bearer of Light, His living Tablet, His Echo. How blessed we were! The crowd, approximately 700 strong, gave her a very warm applause and settled down quickly and quietly, elated to have her in our midst.

After being greeted on stage by several TLIG members, and without much ado, Vassula, beaming with delight, delved right into her presentation, touching on various topics: she introduced Dimitrios Papalamprou who sang and played the guitar several times during her presentation, introduced the new musical TLIG CD, talked about how Tlig came to be and her purification process, the Beth Myriams, Ecumenism, True Theology in the Contemplation of God, the need for Repentance and a Contrite Heart, Mercy and Grace, Unceasing Prayer, the TLIG approach (Jesus wants to have an intimate relationship with us), the We and Us with Jesus being emphasized, the in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit, the New Pentecost (a personal conversion, a Fire within us that would make us want to live for Him alone), making the Prayer our Prayer too, that all may be one, Unity of the churches and God’s people, and readying ourselves to evangelize (with love for others), all of this our celestial nourishment which refreshed and invigorated us thoroughly.

Vassula also shared with us her good news, the breakthrough with the CDF and her dialogue with Cardinal Ratzinger during the past year. This was contained in a Q&A insert into Volume 12; their 5 questions and her responses in 33 pages in Volume 12, and to be included in all future volumes. Hallelujah! The crowd cheered and she thanked us for our prayers.

A touching re-union took place right on stage when Vassula asked long lost relatives to come up; she was meeting some of them for the first time in 35 years!

Before the final Healing Prayer and blessing with the relic of the true cross, a short break provided Vassula a chance to relax, and for us to pass the baskets around for donations, much needed and appreciated.

Mention must be made of the two busy areas in the back of the hall, First, the book table, with a few good volunteers who did brisk business with eager hearts thirsting for more TLIG material. Secondly, a poster display projecting the growth of TLIG in picture form, (from a rivulet to an ocean), a world map indicating the countries and cities wherein TLIG had a stake, and another chart attempted to portray Vassula, the Enigma.

Altogether, was our modest undertaking a success? Judging from the numbers that filled the hall (despite cold temperatures and the threat of SARS), the appreciative comments and feedback received, including the earnest desire of a minister to join a TLIG Prayer Group, we venture to say that the consensus would be a „Big Yes”, and all for the Glory, Praise and Thanksgiving, to a Most Generous God whose divine manifestation and visitation with His people here in Toronto, will be treasured and remembered with hearts filled with joy, love, and gratitude. As Vassula departed, the audience rose and clapped, singing:

In moments like these, I sing out a song, I sing out a love song to Jesus,
In moments like these, I lift up my hands, I lift up my hands to the Lord.
Singing, I love you Lord,
Singing, I love you Lord,
Singing, I love you Lord,
I love you.

This was followed by two more songs, „Just a Closer Walk” and „What a Friend we have in Jesus”. Truly, it was a memorable day!

Sybil Saldanha
Scarborough, Ontario