Dear friends,

I’m looking forward to the upcoming pilgrimage as never before. As you all know, in the TLIG messages Jesus has been giving many prophecies about Russia more than He has done with other countries. It means a lot, to Him and for the future of the Church and for the future of Unity.

In Medjugorje on October 1981, there was also a prophecy about Russia saying that Russia will be glorifying God more than any other country.

With respect to Russia:
„It is the people where God will be most glorified. The West has made civilization progress, but without God, as if they were their own creators.”

I had been given sufficient signs to understand that Jesus chose Russia. He wants us to be there for his reasons which we will understand later on. Let us pray that some Russian Officials will be able to join us as there is a possibility that this happens. We are working on that and we need your prayer and we need our priests to offer this petition their Masses.

Thank you for reading me.

In Christ,

Full details of the pilgrimage including registration and payment pages are available at

Please note the final date for registration: July 2nd, 2017