April 19, 1994

Feed me with Your words, Lord,
for I am sick with love for You.

Vassula of My Sacred Heart, I said to My Celestial Court: „I will light a fire inside her soul, consume her, and make her Mine;“ see? I have now conquered your heart and through you I have consumed with My fire many other souls; I have conquered them all!1 I have not used ferocity nor have I taken anyone by force; I have only taken your hearts with a glance and with a spark from My Heart;

I have said to My Father, to your Holy Mother, to the saints and to all the denominations of My Angels: „I intend to cover their frightful nakedness with My Love, but first I will have to lure this generation and lead one by one out into the wilderness where I will speak to their heart; I Myself shall save My children, then all mankind shall know that I, Jesus, am your Saviour;“

keep faithful to Me and honour Me, My child; I have power to destroy all My enemies, see? Vassula, let Me free to tell you what I contain in My Heart; listen, I heard you tell Fr O’Carroll that you wished to die as a martyr and how you earnestly wished to progress into sanctity; because, My friend, you are inviting Me at your table, I, in My turn, will exhaust your wish and honour you to drink from My Cup again and again; your wish will save you and many others; fear not, I will repay you later on; the Enemy’s captives will be snatched away whenever you will sip from My Cup; Vassula, love Me, and for the sake of your love you have for Me, I will strike the evil empires together with he who reigns over them, and they will tumble like rocks;

love Me and for the sake of your love I will summon the Churches to unify the dates of Easter; love Me and for your sake, I will substitute this darkness for light faster than foreseen; the fruit I want from you is love! with your love I can grant many prayers, so …. allow your adversaries to take you for an impostor although you come from Me; allow them to tear on you like enraged wolves, 2 what does it matter? you will only prove over and over again you come from Me by the great fortitude I will pour in you in these times of suffering and anyway, this portion will be one way to lead you on the road you desired to be this morning: the road to sanctification;

My Own Love is beyond all knowledge, learn from Me and be one with Me, come;

1 Jesus‘ Voice reached a high note, showing His excitement and joy.

2 Jesus had stopped there, changed subject, smiled and said: „do you enjoy being with Me in this way My child?“ I said: „Yes and how Lord!“, „I love you to folly ….“ „Me too, my Lord ….“