February 25, 1995
(Indonesia – Jakarta)
My Lord, Your Word burns our heart like fire, so how is it that when You speak their1 heart does not burn?
pray for these, that I may give them a heart to acknowledge Me; blessed one of My Soul, accept this painful exile on earth, 2 one day I will show you its outcome, today I have brought you here to Indonesia, as much as I have brought together in one assembly all of you;
tell them: do not think that God is unapproachable, God is near you and loves you ….. honour His Name; return to Me and change your lives and live holy for Holy is My Name; allow Me to redress you, for this I need your total abandonment; your only Refuge is My Heart; listen and understand: I have said that all flesh is like grass and its beauty like the wild flowers of the fields, but the grass withers and the flowers fade, but My Word remains forever …. and your soul will keep on living; let your soul be in peace with Me the day I will come to fetch it; so that you inherit My Glory;
do not deceive yourselves now and say: „soul, you have plenty of things now, take things as they come: have a good time and roll in your wealth, obviously the inheritance is yours;“ realise, My child, the wilderness you made of your soul; realise, My child, 3 how painful it is for Me to see your drought; I have always loved you with an everlasting Love; diminish My pain, efface My pain and return to Me, your Father, your Creator, your Saviour and your Life; pray from your heart and I shall hear you; forgiveness is given to you, if you ask it!
Indonesia, direct your steps into My Steps for My Day is near and when I come, I shall come with Fire so allow Me to find you fit for My Kingdom …. ask for My blessings and I shall give them to you; which father refuses the well-being of his child? so how much more would I, who am the Source of Love, give to anyone who asks! I am near you, daughters and sons, and I bless you, offering to you My Peace; come and acknowledge your sins, facing Me, and I will respond to your cry of repentance;
Vassula, I am Yahweh, your beloved Father and Father of all; praise Me and follow Me without delay, up now and pray the Our Father the way I honoured you by teaching it to you; I love you tenderly!