February 22, 1993
„Correct us Yahweh gently,
not in Your anger, or You will reduce us to nothing.“ 1
Vassula, messenger follows close on messenger, to tell the world to repent; I am manifesting Myself like never before to bring everyone from far away back to Me and follow My Commandments; at any moment this little flame flickering inside this generation would die down if I do not intervene; even to this day they refuse to hear and believe; the greater they think they are the less they are in My Eyes, how could they find favour with Me when they obstruct My Holy Spirit? what I hear from them is: „who has authority over me?“, „I am self-sufficient“; My compassion is great but My severity is as great; My wrath is as powerful as My forgiveness;
My temples2 have now a common ground with traders; they have exchanged My Holiness for a tribute to Satan! I am speaking of those who apostatised and have allowed a Lie to pass their lips and now they intend to compel everyone to be branded with that Lie and I am tired of bearing them; in My House once, integrity lived there, since My Law was their daily bread, but look at what My House has become now, a desolation, a haunt for the lizard and the spider! ah …. but I will undo all this;
My Heart is broken within Me, My child, and My angels dread and tremble for the Hour I reserved to break out when My orders will be given; I cannot endure any more to see your Holy Mother’s Tears shed over and over again every time My Son is recrucified; your generation’s sins are leading My Son to Calvary every moment;
together in one voice the world is blaspheming My Holy Spirit and all the powers of heaven; daily, the world is provoking Me: „look! look what has become of the great Lord’s House?“ they say, while tearing It down and dissembling then; My Soul cannot bear any longer the groans of My Son being recrucified; although both My Son and your Holy Mother muffle as best they could their pain, My Ears hear everything; My Ears and My Eyes are not human and nothing escapes Me; since it is your generation that makes the choice, not I, 3 the Rebellion in My House will bring down on you My wrath and the deepest Darkness is wrought on earth soon;
it is not My choice but yours; I had chosen to lift you from your graves with Mercy and Love, Compassion and Peace, but look how so many of you are unmoved by My offer; nothing can touch you any longer;
My Patience you have exhausted and you, daughter, be My Echo; hard as they may harass you, I shall not allow them to overcome you; on the contrary, you will be like a sword when you will pronounce My words; remind them again that I take pleasure, not in the death of a wicked and rebellious man, but in the turning back of a wicked and rebellious man who changes his ways to win life; this earth that you know „will vanish“ soon! 4
I have decided to hasten My Plan because of the great sins your generation conceives; all will vanish, all will wear out like a garment; 5 this will be My way of destroying the defilement of sin, and you will realise that from the beginning you were My sacred temples and that My Spirit was living in you;
ah! for this Baptism by Fire!! pray and fast in these last days; I Am is near you;